Chapter Ten

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A trip down to memory laine

In H.Q in Hittar's office little Eliza saw the name
'General Hittar Regan ' and remembered his fathers
story of Dantalios Regan .
Eliza said ,"Who are you ".
Hittar said ,"Little children with their questions ".
"Guards leave me with the boy ."Hittar said .
Abs said ,"You heard the general fall out ".
As they left he said "My name is Hittar Regan brother of
Dantalios Regan".
Hittar continued ," I grew up in Russia originally from
Ireland ".
He said with his broken language,"You see when I was
young there was lot of war and I was alone with my
brother Dantalios "
"Dantalios was a very smart young man you see ,he
helped build weapons for the army that I join ".
"Dantalios and I twins you know with no mother no
father had to fend for self "
"He used his great mind to get food ,he is very good
man ".
"Your father and he worked in the same lad ".
He continued ," Dantalios was working on a project
then ".
Eliza interrupted "Your brother was making
abominations ".
" Дурàk!".Hittar said .
He continued "My brother very good man !".
"He trying to help country ".
E-Rod said ,"Did he not know it was wrong to try to
recreate man, he knew what he was doing was wrong ".
Hittar said ,"You are kid what do you know ".
E-Rod continued "And you are General defending
wrength is that how all generals are or is it some thing
else ".
Eliza said," What do you want from me any way ?"
Hitter said ,"Your Father put my brother in jail ".
As he said this Eliza's face changed .
"Or your father not tell you,he destroyed all brothers
papers and put him on Web".
"Years and years my brother in jail because of your
father ".
"The pain and suffering in jail my brother spent and....."
,Hittar said.
Eliza said as he interrupted Hittar again,"You sound
almost like you went through all your brother's pain like
you where there General Hittar".
He continued ,"Or should I say Dantalios Regan".
Hittar said ," Smart kid very smart ".
He continued ," Your right I am indeed Dantalios Regan ,
and I have a proposition for you ".
"Over the year I have seen and read all about your
inventions , you are a very smart boy and you have a
fresh mind. I heard you where making something so
great that it could power the whole country ".
Eliza said,"Why do I even call it a secret project ".
Hittar said ,"The project I was working on 15 years ago
was sabotaged by your father ".
"I am a step closer to perfecting it and I want you to join
me to finish it ".
" With your research and my tech , think about it we
be powerful we would be higher than all presidents
kings and queens think about it all we can accomplish
together, join me ".
Then Eliza said ," Thank you for your speech and all
but I know not to trust people that kid nap me in the
middle of the night ".
Dantalios who was Hittar said," I planned it all I knew a
smart kid like you would spy on my men or something
you are truly brilliant so join me and the world would
know it ".
"No thank you I am just a kid and I am not ready for
that kind of responsibility , sorry all pass ".
Hittar said ,"Very well. guards !".
As they came He spoke like Hittar once more ,"Take kid
to level 6 Ice chamber ".
"Yes sir ." the soldiers said.
Eliza looked at him and brought his pen out .
A soldier took the pen from E-Rod's back and said, "sir
he had this in his hand ".
Hittar took the pen and then held it close to his face
and saw a stop button and he said," Smart kid
recording all
this ".
Eliza said ,"As he acted ,"Yes you've stopped me yey
am so happy ".
He continued ,"what is the point of fighting when you
cant do any thing ".
Eliza said as Hittar was about to press the button ,"Say
As Hittar pushed the button as he said ,"Cheese ?".
The light flashed and all the soldiers said "I can't see it
was a trick Hrg".
As E-Rod tried to move his hands was held by Hittar .
He looked in his eyes it flashed a red light ,Eliza was
right this was no General but a clone robot who was
not affected by the flash.
Hittar's clone said ,"You think you are smart kid but
your not ".
Eliza tried as hard as he could to pull his hands
together so his watches touch each other .He pulled
his hands close enough as his suit got strong enough
for him to pull his hands together to activate his E.M.D
device .This E.M.D was a Electronic magnetic disrupter
and disturbed all electronics close to it . The clone was
frozen and its mouth was still moving .
"You would not get far you are in the middle of no
where" .
This echoed in E-rods head as he threw his door
opener to the door and removed his PJs and ran with
his suit underneath it .

Get out

Dantalios Regan was in a room controlling his brother's
replacement , while his real brother was tied up in a
closet, he had been there for 3 days .Dantalios is not
completely heartless he fed his brother food every day .
The real Hittar said ," You not get away with this
brother ".
Dantalios said as he removed a head set he was using
to control the clone and said ," Ho I already have ".
He continued ,"I simply asked you to help me get
revenge on Steve Rod ,but you did not so I took matters
into my own hands ,his son refused to join me, now I
have no choice but to get Steve Rod another way ".
Hittar said ," Man not do anything ".
"He did not do anything, he put me in jail and you don't
even care ." Dantalios said .
He continued ,"I am your brother your blood we even
share the same face yet you do not fill my pain ".
Hittar said ," Pain ,pain what you know about pain , I
fight war and you make toy what you know about pain ".
He continued ,"You kid nap your brother with clone and
tie him up ,remove rope and I show you pain !".
"You think you smart brother but brain clouds heart".
Hittar said.
He continued "moreover what you do was wrong so
you go to jail ".
Dantalios said ,"Well brother it is better to have a brain
than a puny heart ".
Dantalios puts on a replica of the uniform the clone
was wearing, then goes on one knee looking at his
brother in the closet and said ," Ciya , i have an
appointment with Destiny ".
After his brother left Hittar saw a knife on an orange
with the rope tied to his arms and legs he rowed him
self out of the closet to the knife . He held the knife
with his mouth and slowly used it to cut the ropes .

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