Chapter Eleven

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Dantalios pressed a button and the robot vanished but
it was still there .The flash effect from the bang pen was
still active at the moment when he made the robot
invisible .
Then Dantalios Regan walked into the same room Eliza
escaped from acting like his twin he said ,"What are you
doing moving around get him !".
"Yes sir ."They said .
They could not see where they were going. One of them
hits his head on the wall then falls to the ground .
Another on the table .
Biceps said ," I think i can see ha ".
'Crash !
As he lifted one finger up and was seeing stars moving
around his head as a tooth fell out of his mouth he said ,
"still can't see" .
Then fell to the ground . The object he hit was the
invisible clone that was in front of him ,and he was just
starting to get his sight back . All the men in the room
nocked themselves out because they could not see .
Dantalios said as he pressed a button on his desk ," Put
the base on lockdown the boy has escaped. Send a
search party .Get him and tell Squad 2 to get his


Eliza's house was locked every where was bolted it
was well, locked .
Out side the door in squad 2's van one of there lead
soldiers picked a call .
He said ," Yes sir , OK sir ".
Then he said ,"Squad 2 is a go ".
Under the house in E-rod's lab his parents and Scarf
heard a noise from above the house like some one
was trying to breaking .
"Steve can you hear that ." Ms Rod said .
Mister Rod said ,"Yes I can hear it what is that ".
Scarf said ,"It is the army trying to breaking on the top
level sir .
"Let's go up darling we can't be afraid God is with us.",
Steve said .
Rena said,"yes let's go up and see the lunatics who
took our son".
His parents went boldly up and held hands and
prayed," Lord blind them from seeing the house lord
even though they can see it blind them lord ".
As they said it their prayers where answered the men
could not see .
One said ,"My eyes my eyes I can not see aah".
As they moved away from the house they said ,"Let's
get out of here this place is cursed aah".
Eliza's parents said ,"Thank you lord you have shown
us once more that you are a mighty God whom we
leave Eliza to thank you ".

Pain part 2

In the room the real Hittar was in, was opened and he
had cut himself free .
He said as he tried to get up ,"Legs do not fail me now ".
He held a table in the room and moved one leg forward .
His legs where weak because he was tied up for 3 days .
He moved one leg forward and the other slowly like he
was learning to walk .
As he got balanced a little he said ," Hahaha I can do it ".
Then his head hit a bar above his head .
"I can't do it ." Hittar said as he fell .
Hittar jumped up and said,"Ouch my legs ".
Then he walked out of the room and moved slowly to
the room his brother was in .
Dantalios' two hands where leaned on the table where
he was still listening to their Control center .
Control center said ,"Squad 2 fled from the Rod's house
sir ".
"They what !" Dantalios said .
"Sir ,the house had some kind of charm, they saw some
things that looked like men with wings covering it, then
a bright light shined from them so they fled from there
mission sir ". The control. center at the other side of the
line said.
"Impossible !" Dantalios said as he slammed his hands
on the table.
Hittar walked quietly to Dantalios back and lifted his
hand like he was a black belt about to snap a bord .
Then he said ," kia ".
He hits his hand on his brothers shoulder ,that made his
brother fall unconsciously to the ground .
Then Hittar said after pressing the same button on the
desk to contact the control center ,"What ever you
where ordered for the past 3 days stop doing it . I was
impersonated ".
But no one responded for some reason.


Eliza quickly ran down the huge hall then entered the
elevator as quickly as he could .
He said as he pushed the button that had G on it and
wanted the door to close ,"Come on , come on , come on ".
The door closed and he was moving to level G .He
reaches out to his suit and removed his recorder .
He twisted and pulled it then a camcorder came out
then he pressed a button that sent a signal to his house .


A big screen in E-Rod's lab came on and Scarf was still
under a table he saw Eliza's face on the screen .
It said ,"Sir your alive "
Eliza said ,"What do you mean am alive ".
"Sir to be clear my calculations has a 24% of your
return." Scarf said .
Eliza said ," Well am still alive aren't I !".
He continued ," Are my parents alright ".
It said ,"Yes sir but they went up with a so-called prayer
protocol ."
"Please protect them tell them am OK and am in a
strange military base and there is a man named
Dantalios Regan involved only my dad would
understand ." Eliza said .
He continued," Also tell them I love them and would
be home soon with evidence to what happened here ".
Scarf said ,"Yes sir I would sir.
Eliza said ,"don't worry Scarf I would be out of here as
quiet as a mouse in know time ".
The door of the elevator made a sound .
'Blip '
The elevator took him to level 23 and out the door was
a cafeteria where a hundred men looked at him and in
front of him stood one of them with is hand on the
elevator button .
Nervously as he took his eyes of the cam in his hand
then his voice cracked as he said ," I guess this is not
the ground floor he he he he ".

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