Chapter Nine

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The gas station

Daniel Stor sited a gas station ahead of him because
he needed to fill his car, it was low on gas .As he
drove his car closer to the gas station a man with a
shot gun ran out of a mini store in the gas station and
locked the door. As he ran some distance from the
station he shot one of the gas units .The station was
ablaze smoke everywhere luckily the store was not on
fire, but it was blocked by it and the fire was moving
closer .In Daniel's eye the reflection of the blazing fire
was so bright in it . He heard something it sounded like
some one was saying help . Daniel looked straight at
the fire and the store behind it .
He took a deep breath and said ," Your will be done ." ,
then ran at full speed to the fire
A man on the road said with an Indian accent ,"What
are you doing you think it's a good day to die man ".
Daniel runs into the fire with his hand blocking his nose
he used his shoulder to break the glass open . Glass
every where on the floor and the smoke in the room
made the man in the store unconscious .
Daniel said "Are you OK, are you hurt ".
There was no responds from him so he carried the man
with his two hands and ran . Imagine him in slow motion
running out of the store through the fire , as he gets out
of the fire it explodes in the background behind him .He
put the man on the ground and presses down on his
chest with his two hands .
He said ,"Don't give up on me ".
"Open your eyes ".
He said ," lord please help this poor soul ".
Then the man started coughing as his eyes opened
slowly . The man on the road that spoke to Daniel earlier
called the fire department and ambulance .
And the ambulance took the man that was in the fire to
the hospital .
Daniel prayed for him on his journey to Cliff road .


In a dark huge room, a man named Hittar was
punching a punching bag . He kicked and punched
the bag and then the sand in the bag gushed out
flowing to the ground .
He said with his deep voice to one of his soldiers as
he held a towel in his hand ," Get me another one ".
He said "That was your 5th bag sir ".
Hittar in the dark said,"Дурàk ".
'Russian for fool '
"Get me another one or should I make you one !".
"Yes sir ,general sir ,yes sir .",he said as he ran out the
A soldier came up the stairs and said ,"General Hittar
the package has arrived ".
Hittar said ,"Excellent bring him up ".
In an elevator Eliza was held by to buffed men,
Biceps and Triceps at his two sides .In front of him
was Abs and behind him was flex . They guarded
him like he was a full time criminal that had
escaped from jail about 7 times . E-Rod did fill like
one because he was going to find a way to escape
from H.Q .They got to level 66 and the elevator
went 'Blip ' .They walked straight down to Hittar's
office .
On their way they saw two soldiers on the hall way
talking .
One said ,"Hittar has been acting strange he used 5
punching bags".
The other said,"Ya really strange it probably because
of the kid ".
They both said ," He is our General we have to follow
him blindly what can we do about that ".
They went on down the hall then Abs put his hand
on the finger print scanner and it scanned his finger
prints then the door opened .They walked in the dark
room that was light enough to see themselves the
room had a big office desk and punching bag far in
the corner .
Abs said ,"The package sir ".
"Remove the bag from his head ." Hittar said as he
walked closer .
As they remove the bag Eliza said ," package really
now am an item ".
E-Rod looked across the room and saw on Hittar's
table a name ,'General Hittar Regan .He was about to
find out who this Hittar was and what he wanted .

Let's say a little prayer

Scarf took Steve and Rena Rod to the lab and
showed them all that had happened earlier . They
where worried and did not know what to do.
Rena said ," Steve ,are boy is out there alone and we
can't do any thing ".
She continued, "A van is watching us and we can't
leave if we wanted to ".
Steve said ,"let's call the police ".
Scarf said ," The army has more authority than the
police sir ".
Steve said ," Ya that is true authority, smart robot".
Rena said ," let's pray let's put all our problems in
God's hands ,who has more authority than God?".
Steve said as he puts his hands together ," Our father
who is in heaven thank you for given us live ".
"Thank you for protection , and providing for us ".
"Lord please help our son please send your soldiers
to protect him ." He said this when they where calm .
He said,"Thank you ".
Then they said ,"Amen ".
Scarf said ,"I have to ask master Rod to add prayer
to my program ".
They left everything to God who is all mighty and
wonderful and merciful to them .

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