Chapter Twelve

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Get em

Eliza kicked the man in front of him then he quickly
pressed the button that had 22 below it, then pressed
the close button because the Soldiers seated gut up
and ran towards him .
"Close ,close ,close .",he said this fast as he pressed
the close button.
As the elevator closed one soldier jumped he flew to
the door of the elevator and hit his head .
Eliza said ," That was close thank the law of gravity ".
As he got to level 22 he saw 5 men sitting in suits .
E-Rod reached his hand to a pouch on his waist and
brought out of it a plasma cube . E-Rod threw the first
one to one of the men as he got up . He threw it to
another then another then another , They fell as he
threw it to them.
Though Eliza had no more plasma cubes but the last
man said in a French accent ," Don't hurt me I did not see
any thing are you here no , look I fall my self ".
The man jumped to the ground .Then E-Rod ran
across the room then opened a huge window .
He took out gloves from the sides of his pocket , on
top of his gloves where magnetic hooks it was round
though it hooked to things .
E-Rod held both his hands to the opposite directions .
Both his hooks flew to the opposite sides out the
window then it clicked to both sides of the top of the
next buildings ,
"OK now here goes nothing .",Eliza said as he pressed
a button with his thumbs on his gloves.
Then he flew from that room out the window .When he
got close to the ground then he pushed a button that
dropped him to the ground .His two hands on the
ground ,head faced down , knee to the ground , as his
head goes up dramatically the magnetic hook falls
slamming to the ground then they broke .The pieces of
the magnet flew every where .
E-Rod said ," Ho no my beautiful tech ".
He rushed back to the elevator door then activated his
E.M.D once more .
Then he said "That would slow them down ".
He ran to a van that he saw .He put his door opener on
the door of the van and then it opened .
As he jumped into the van he said ,"how hard can it be
right ".
"If I can make it I know how to drive it right ".
He saw a red light flashing on and off then he thought ,
"There on my tail what to do what to do ".

Break down

Daniel was on his way to Cliff road and his fuel was
almost empty, then he thought as he looked at his fuel
indicator ,"No my tank is almost empty and am far from
a gas station ".
"And the only one in miles blew up .",he thought .
He was driving closer to his location then his car was
slowing down.
He said as he tapped the fuel indicator because it was
going to E ,"No!No!No!No , go up, go up, go up ".
He came out of his car then kicked it, then it cuffed
"Empty am in the middle of know where and my fuel is
empty and I was so close to the cliff road !".
Then he looked in the distance and saw a signboard
that had 27 Cliff road on it .
Then he thought to him self ,"Almost there and I would
know what is happening on cliff road and know why
God sent me on this Journey".

Break threw

E-Rod heard a loud sound from a huge speaker ,
"Sound all soldiers to ground all soldiers to ground" .
As he came out of the van he thought to himself ," Wait
a minute I am an inventor what am I doing thinking of
what to do when I can invent something ".
He opened a pouch on his waist on his suit that had
tools in it . Eliza took out a few tool that he used to
screw out the nuts and bolts from the van . He added
some things together and made the first van a time
bomb .
E-Rod said ,"Now I can use this to blow my way out of
this insane place where everyone is looking for me ".
Eliza started the engine of the van he turned into a
bomb with a remote he invented .
He said as the car moved ,"3 ,2 ,1 boom!".
It drove under the tunnel and blew up the rocks that
led out ,it also blew up the main wires that powered
the communication center .
Eliza also broke down the other vans and cars there
but left one for himself that he was going to use to
Behind Eliza an armed man opened the elevator with
his two hands .
The armed man said ,"The kid is still hear get him! ".
Then other armed man ran towards Eliza .
Eliza jumped into another van and started the engine
then said ,"Here goes nothing ".
Then he drove though he did not know how to .He
drove far from the men but he was driving down a hill .
The van turned out of control so he jumped out of the
van while it was still moving . He fell on the ground
as the van fell of the hill into the sea, but he was not
injured when he hit the road because of his suit .
E-Rod said ," Am in the middle of nowhere and no way
to escape ,no plan ,no tech and am all alone ".
E-Rod started crying, he was in the middle of nowhere
on his own and the enemy was closing in .

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