Chapter Fourteen

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The men looking for Eliza went back to H.Q with bad
news . when they got there they saw 4 men standing
in front of their General.
The lead soldier that just came back said ," Sir we did
not find the boy ".
Hittar shouted ," You don't even know imposter from
general drop and give me 40"
They all dropped to the ground then the lead soldier
said ," Sir but what do you mean ".
Hittar eyes got big and red as he said ," Make that 400 ".
Then they all said ," Arrrg ".
Hittar said make that ," 440 ".

Trip to The Meeting

Daniel was driving his car then he said to Eliza ,"Where
do you live? ".
Eliza said ," In Inhiston ".
Eliza took out his camcorder in his suit then contacted
the house once more but this time his parents where in
the lab .
The screen in his lab came on then he said "Hi mom ,
dad are you OK am coming home".
His mom said ,"Eliza , Eliza! Don't you ever leave us in
the middle of the night worried like that ".
He said ," Sorry mom and dad I would never do that
again I promised ".
His parents said "OK".
His dad said where are you I don't know but I am
leaving a place called hill street a man named Daniel
Stor is helped me , he said God helped me ".
They both said ," Thank you Lord for keeping Eliza safe
thank you for answering our prayers ".
Eliza said ,"Goodbye see you at home ".
He switched off his cam and he put it back in his suit .
they drove on for hours then got to Inhiston .
Daniel said ,"where is your house ?".
Eliza said," wait I know I am late but can you please
drop me off at the city Hall ".
Daniel said ,"Sure why not ".

The speech

In the city hall ,the door bursted open as Eliza Rod runs
into it . In the hall a lot of people where awaiting his
He rushes behind the speech pulpit as his sweat hits the
table he says, "OK everyone look I know am meant to
show you all my new top secret project , but.... that does
not really matter now because I have something better to
tell you ".
"I know you are all wondering why I'm late to an
important presentation on my own behalf .That Is
because I was taking
captive by the army ".
The audience gasped as one reporter says, "for what
exactly ." ,holding the voice recorder closer to E-Rod .
E-Rod said, " For my project of course " .
E-Rod continued ,"my so called top secret project , well
not really a secret any more . I was making a power
source that people said it could power about 5 countries
was actually just to power my virtualFact projector . I
thought I should make something educational but it was
filled with the wrong facts .I spent 4 years learning to be
a everyday scientist , l was told everything was made
and created by an error ,life mistake evolution monkey to
man ".
"I was at an army base and I thought I could get out all
on my own , well I did get out but just for them to catch
up to me." E-Rod said.
E-Rod continued, "All my time waisted on the wrong
facts .
I was told I was the smartest kid in the world but am i
really ".
" If I was I would have seen what was right in front of me
the whole time ".
"When I was up the hill I was going to give up but a man
walked up to me sent by God to protect me and gave me
a wake up call".
The audience , gasped once more .
E-Rod said ," It is true I Eliza Rod is a proud scientist that
believes in God and He hid Daniel and I from the army ,
invisibility,with no gadgets no tech they did not see us
and I can tell you God loves you and wants you to know
him. Words from a new friend Daniel, please can you
come up here ".
The audience clapped as Daniel walked up the stairs .
E-Rod said, "Daniel can you please tell them what you
told me and more".
Daniel was overwhelmed with joy then slowly walked up
the stirs .
So Daniel told them all he said and how to give there life
to Christ .It was so phenomenal that half of the people
seated got up and gave there life to Christ right there live
on TV .

A year later

Daniel started a ministry . The man who wanted to
commit suicide just happened to be a millionaire ,who
moved to his cottage in Fida where Daniel dropped him .
He gave Daniel a large plot of land that he used to build
a shelter for people in need and E-Rod helped .
Dantalios Regan was put in jail and the army name was
clean because they apologized for all the problems they
put E-rod threw.
Later on Eliza asked his dad to take him to the prison
Dantalios was at .
E-Rod said to his father ," Dad I know what Dantalios did
was bad but he also had a hard background and I think
he deserves a second chance ".
Steve said ," You are growing up into a fine young man ".
Then mister Rod and E-Rod went to Dantalios prison
facility to drop a present for him .
A guard walked to Dantolios' sell and said ," Delivery ".
Dantalios said ,"For me ".
He was speechless then he picked up the present from
the ground .It was already opened by the police . He
opened it then saw a note that was in it .
It said ,'Hi Dantalios ,it is me Eliza and I want to tell you I
forgive you for kid napping me and all, I gave you this
present to read and study it .
'Everyone deserves a second chance and I pray when
you see the light of day once more you will remember all
this book holds and its teachings' .

.The End

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