Chapter 1

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    "Hurry up loser!" I yelled down the hallway of the girl's dorms. As always Pansy was getting all gussied up for all her 'fanboys'. This was going to be the fifth time this month that we were late to herbology.

    "I'm ready!" She scurried down the hall after me. Pansy's makeup today was worse than yesterday's. Her bright red lipstick was smeared slightly on her bottom lip and her eyeliner was totally uneven. Normally I wouldn't let her leave like this but we were already seven minutes late to class.

    "You know your eyeliner is a little smudged, right?" I gave her a small smile hoping that maybe she would fix it up after class. But she took it way out of context.

    "You know not all of us are born with naturally long eyelashes and full lips, Penelope" She rolled her eyes. Pansy and I are fraternal twins. Though we look extremely similar we are still completely different. Pansy definitely got the looks from Mom and Dad whether she believes it or not.

    "I'm just saying that maybe you would get more attention with-" I got cut off before I could finish.

    "DRACO!" Pansy sprinted down the hall where a familiar blonde stood against the stone wall. Pansy was completely and utterly obsessed with the guy. I couldn't understand why. He was arrogant, rude, self-centered, and the list goes on. I'm sure he would marry himself if he could.

Our family and the Malfoys have been close since I can remember. Draco was nice when he was younger but once he hit 11 years old he grew so full of himself I was sure he would explode from being so narcissistic. I don't know how that would be possible but I'm sure it is.

    "Hey Pansy" he smirked as she strolled up close to him. He gave me a look that was a mix between a 'hello' and a 'leave me alone'. I just scoffed and stood there.

    "Pansy we need to get to class" I started to talk but Malfoy let out a shout laugh.

    "I knew you were the lame sister, Penelope" he smirked at me, "c'mon Pansy, skip class with me".

Draco and his goons all snickered simultaneously and turned to walk down the hall. I get one last petty glance from the dumb blonde.

     "Fine but not covering for you anymore!" I yell down the hall as they turn the corner.

Then I was left there. Standing in the cold stone halls of the castle. Alone. As always.

I walked into the dining hall. I saw Pansy laughing flirtatiously with Malfoy as always. Even though I was so desperately trying to stay away from him I sat down next to Pansy. The hall was filled with laughter and chatter.

    "Nice of you to join us Parkinson" Draco sarcastically welcomed me to the table.

    "Always a pleasure Malfoy" I replied back even more sarcastically.

Dumbledore stood to get everyone's attention. He explained how this year Hogwarts was the host of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and that two other wizarding schools would be joining us. (I just realized this happened on the first day of school but let's pretend it didn't ok?)

The Beauxbatons graciously entered the hall with gentle sighs. Their blue gowns were swaying perfectly as if there was a small wind flowing just for them. They were gorgeous, all of them.

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