Chapter 8

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The next few weeks consisted of a treacherous amount of cringe Yule Ball proposals. Crab and Goyle asked a couple of 3rd years. Blaise ended up asking Daphne Greengrass, which ultimately broke Ava and Brooke. Pansy is without a date as well. I assume she'll just go with Malfoy.

Speaking of Malfoy. He has been staring daggers at me since the dance lessons. I rejected his offer to be his Yule Ball date. I still can't figure out if he was serious or just trying to get in my head. I tried to keep my head down while I ate lunch.

As I moved my steamed carrots from one side of the plate to another and back, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to meet none other than the smug little smile of Cedric Diggory. He has been obsessed with me since the start of 3rd year. He has sent me owls more times than my own parents. Most of them being stupid pickup lines. He was nice but a little too desperate for my taste. I push my plate forward and stand up to talk to him.

    "Hey," I looked forward without making direct eye contact, "what's up?"

"Penelope," Diggory cleared his throat, "I was wondering if you'd accompany me to the Yule Ball. You know. As my date." I was taken aback a little bit. I didn't know exactly how to respond.

    "Umm," I tuck my hair behind my ear, "Well I was kinda just thinking I'd go with some of the girls."

    "Well, most of the girls have dates already," He argues, "Surely the few that don't wouldn't mind your absence. Besides, I'm lucky enough you don't already have a date for the ball. Perhaps it's fate." Diggory was staring daggers into my soul. I felt cornered.

    "Really Cedric I-"

    "She said no" The voice behind me made me jolt, "So why don't you just move along". I turn my head to see Malfoy standing behind me. I look back at Cedric who scoffs.

    "I don't see your name tattooed on her forehead," Cedric takes a step toward Malfoy who is slightly shorter than him, "She can answer for herself, Malfoy."

    "She already has" Malfoy takes a step this time, "She said n-"

    "Yeah, I'll be your date to the ball," I reply to Cedric but I am looking at Malfoy. He looks surprised for a moment but that surprise quickly turns so anger.

    "You hear that Malfoy," Cedric gives him a cheeky smile, "She wants to go with me". I didn't exactly say that but yeah, sure.

    "Whatever," Malfoy rolls his eye with a scoff and stomps out of the main hall. I glanced around the room. Almost everyone stopped eating to watch. So embarrassing. I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

    "I'm going to bed," I don't even look at Cedric before leaving.


I opened the dorm door and flopped on my bed. When my face hit my pillow let out a frustrated scream. Why did I agree to go with him? I mean, I know why I agreed. Malfoy is always getting into my business and I wasn't gonna let him tell me who I could and couldn't go to the ball with.

The rest of the night I sat on my bed hugging my pillow. It was a clear night out so most of the girls were up at the astrology tower. I forgot that I hadn't eaten all day. My stomach was grumbling but I still had an overwhelming sense of nausea.

Then it hit me. Cedric was in the tournament. I would have to dance with him in front of the entire school. The Yule ball was just a few nights away. I wasn't prepared. I don't have a dress or heels. I don't even own a curling iron. Maybe Malfoy was right. What if my dancing was rusty? Everyone would laugh at me. 

I couldn't breathe. It felt like my chest was plastered in cement. My ears were buzzing. My heart was pounding in my chest. My hands were trembling. As if I were looking through a fish-eye lens, my eyesight became distorted.

I was snapped out of it by a hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn my head to the figure next to me. Pansy was kneeling beside my bed. She held out her hand which held a small orange bottle with a blue cap. 

    "Do you want to talk about it," She asks with her hand still on my shoulder. I sniff and a tear falls down my cheek. 

    "It's not even a big deal," I blink to try to conceal the rest of my tears. I was being a baby. I was overreacting. It wasn't the end of the world.

    "Oh, sweetheart," Pansy put her hand on my cheek and wiped away the tears from my cheek with her thumb, "you're feeling this way for a reason. If it feels like a big deal, then maybe it is."

    "Why are you like, so nice and wise all of a sudden," I giggle and sniff at the same time. She does as well. She suddenly gets straight-faced.

    "Somebody has taught me recently that you only get one chance in life. I don't want to look back and regret my actions anymore. I'm tired of trying to be someone I'm not," Pansy sighed, "Penelope, I am such a pushover,"

    "Pansy no your not,-"

    "Yes, yes I am. And you. You never fall at the feet of anyone. You don't give a shit about societal norms and you call people out when they're in the wrong. Penelope, you are the strongest person I know."

    "People who are strong don't break down at the smallest inconvenience." I point out.

    "That's exactly what they do. Because people like you stay strong through the hardest parts of life and that pressure is bound to break through eventually." Pansy grabs my hand, "You are practically top of our class. You are great at everything you do."

    "Except potions," I laugh, "I'm the reason Malfoy went to the infirmary the other week."

    "Really." Pansy asked sarcastically, "I saw you put the potion in his pumpkin juice. I didn't say anything 'cause I thought you guys could figure everything out yourselves, but obviously not after dinner."

    "God, you saw that?" I cover my face with my pillow again. 

    "Not directly, but everyone is talking about it," Pansy says.

    "What do you mean by that?" I lowered the pillow, a little alarmed by the comment.

    "Well," She starts, "There were a lot of girls that wanted to go with Diggory to the ball. He kept turning them down saying he already had someone in mind. Then when some of the other students saw Draco and Diggory arguing around you they all kinda made up their own conclusions."

    "Oh, for the love of Godrick Griffindor." I run my hands through my hair, "Do me a favor and grab me some puking pastilles next time you go to Hogsmeade 'cause I'm gonna make myself sick."

I could not believe the situation I had put myself in. Draco was mad at me. Again. And now I had to go to the Yule Ball with a guy all the girls wanted. Which makes me officially a public enemy.

    "Listen," Pansy scrunches her nose as if she has some unfortunate news, "as much as I loved clearing up my guilty conscience. I had a reason for coming in here."

    "Well, it's your dorm room too," I stated the obvious. She scrunches her nose and pulls out a magazine. Bold letters on the top read Magichic. It was a fashion catalog. She opened to a certain page.

    "Diggory asked me to tell you that he thinks you'd look best in this dress," She points to a yellow dress the color of a banana with puff sleeves, "He said it would match his tie, but I think you should pick whatever dress you want to wear."

    "That dress is awful," I scowl and put the magazine under my dragon book on my bedside table. Pansy stands up.

    "I know," Pansy laughs, "Yellow never really was either of our colors."

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