Chapter 6

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I opened the infirmary door ever so slightly. It creaked as I did so letting everyone in the room know I was there.

    "Miss Parkinson!" Madame Pomfrey seemed a bit startled by my appearance, "have you run out of-" I interrupted her.

    "Umm no I'm fine on those." I don't need everyone to know about my anxiety meds. I'm weird enough as it is. "I'm just here to see a uh... friend." I stutter at the words. I don't know what to call him at this point. I just wanted to confess, apologize, and jump off the astronomy tower.

    "Well alright dear," her smile was warm, "make it quick. Visiting ours is technically over." She winked at me and continued her work.

I took a breath and walked down the room looking at each of the names written on the clipboards hanging by the curtained-off beds. Bullstrode. Finnigan(typical). Malfoy.

I was hesitant to open the curtain. Remember the plan. Confess, apologize, and jump off the astronomy tower. Here goes nothing. I opened the curtain slightly and closed it behind me.

    "Parkinson." Draco greeted me, "Surprised to see you here."

    "Oh uh hey Malfoy." I fiddled with my rings. "I uh wanted to apologize."

    "For what." He tilted his head, "Cause I'm pretty sure we already had this conversation and I don't feel like having it again."

I sighed. I can't do it.

    "Umm." I try to think of a lie, "for not helping you when you were choking" I let out an awkward giggle. God, I'm so stupid, "yeah umm must have been something gnarly you were choking on huh."

    "Oh yeah draught of peace puts a pretty nasty frog in your throat doesn't it."

    "Yeah, I-" I stop, "wait what?"

Draco looked as if he was about to burst out laughing. Then he did. When I tell you I was so confused.

    "Wait you knew?" This wasn't the plan.

    "I'm not stupid Parkinson." He smirked at me, "I also didn't expect you to use it on me."

Then it made sense. When draught of peace is messed up it can put you into a short slumber or if you're unlucky, an eternal slumber.

    "You expected me to use it on myself." I let out a painfully awkward laugh, " Wait, if you knew that means you messed the potion up on purpose."

Draco started to blush, "No...I-uh."

    "You do know that is a punishable offense right?" I fold my arms and smirk.

    "Yeah but so is drugging a student." He out-smirks me. That damn smirk.

    "I won't tell if you don't." I put my hand out waiting for him to strike the deal.

    "Deal." He takes my hand and shakes it.

Just as I was about to pull away Draco pulled me toward him.

He whispered in my ear, "And don't ever try to spell me again." He paused, "got it, Parkinson?"

My face was hot. Shivers shot from my wrist and his hand still held on tight.

    "Yeah uh totally." I managed out. He let go of my wrist. There was a mark from how hard his grip was.

He stood up out of the bed and walked past me. What the actual fuck just happened.

    "You coming Parkinson?" He put his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back into reality, "It's already past curfew."

    "Oh, yeah" I shook all thoughts away and followed Draco back to the common room.

The entire walk I kept my gaze on Draco. His snowy hair messily fell over his face with just enough room to see how the moonlight hit his grey eyes- no no.

The hall was cold and the candles were dimly lit. I couldn't only think of the fire in the common room and how nice it would be to chill on the sofa for a bit before bed. I could finally finish my dragon book and-

    "Have you finished your dragon book?" Draco doesn't look at me. He keeps his gaze forward and continues pacing toward the commons.

    "Not yet." It's like he could read my thoughts, "I'm on the last chapter though."

    "Nice," he flipped around briefly to glance at me, "You'll have to tell me about it."

I had no idea Draco had any interest in dragons. I mean he's a total potions nerd and he hates care of magical creatures.

    "You sure," I paused for a moment, "that is if you're willing to talk to me again."

He let out a small sigh and looked at the floor with a faint smile.

    "Oh, you got me there." He continued walking without looking back, "Okay, deal."

    "Great." By the time that convo was over we had reached the common room and had begun to part ways, "Night, Malfoy."

"Goodnight Penelope." He smiled at me before heading up the stairs. It was a real, genuine smile.

My cheeks got hot and I mumble to myself, "Goodnight Draco."


I open the dorm door slowly trying to avoid the loud creaking noises it typically makes. It was pointless trying anyways cause the lights were on and all the girls were sitting on their beds watching the door as I peeked in.

    "Look who finally decided to come to bed," Pansy tilted her head with a faint smirk, "what were you doing up so late little missy."

    "I'm older than you don't 'little missy' me." I closed the door behind me and kicked off my sneakers.

I told her I was just reading in the common rooms for the sake of the other girls not figuring out I had spelled Draco. Of course, she knew I was lying. I gave her a small hint by winking at her so I could explain at a better time.

I got into bed and covered my face with my blanket to block out any light that might peak through. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the faint chit-chat of my roommates.

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