Chapter 9

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    I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them Pansy is already out the door. I decide I'm not ready for bed yet so I grab my book and wrap my blanket around myself. I walk down the corridor to the common room and take a seat on the leather couch. The bunks don't have the best light for reading but the common room's green overcast along with the light of the burning fire creates a perfect and toasty atmosphere for it.

As I opened my book something dropped on the floor. I set the heavy dragon encyclopedia on the coffee table and bent down to grab whatever had fallen. It was the magazine. I must have grabbed it by accident. I took a good look at the cover again. The girl on the front is wearing a dark blue sequin dress. She was moving in all these fancy poses. I open the pages and scan through them. The page with the circled dress opened. The dress was the most awful bright yellow I have ever seen. The puff sleeves may have been worse than the fact that it was a mermaid fit. It was a plain fabric. No sequins or sparkles. Not even any lace. The model in the image had these facial expressions proving I was not the only one who thought it was hideous.

I turn a few pages, looking over the other dresses. Some of them changed shapes or colors as the sun hit them. Others glowed. Then one caught my eye. It was made from sheer, darker than black fabric. The corset top had gold ribbing and beautiful boning. A large bow with long ribbons framed the bussle. The most amazing part was the skirt. It seemed to be made of the night sky itself. The stars twinkled sporadically and shooting stars would pass every few minutes. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. 

    "That one would suit you well," A voice behind me had rang. I don't need to turn to know it was Draco. He was always wondering the common room at night. 

    "You think?" I asked.

    "Oh yes," He leened his arms on the back of the couch so that he was right next to me. " Far better than the putrid yellow one that Diggory expects you to wear." 

I cringe at the reminder. I can't believe I agreed to go to the ball with him. More than that, I can't believe how upset it makes Draco.

    "Well, he's a champion." I closed the magazine harshly, "Its tradition for the date of the champion to where their house color."

    "Traditions don't have to be followed," I had just realized how close Draco was to me. I stood up and grabbed my belongings. 

    "I'm going to bed," I don't look at him directly, "You should too."

    "Very well," He seemed slightly disapointed in my reaction, "Goodnight Penelope."

    "Goodnight Malfoy." 

I must have held my breath as I walked back to my room because I let out a huge sigh as I closed the door behind me.


Excitement buzzed through the ancient corridors of the school. Students hurried to classes with an extra spring in their step, their minds filled with visions of swirling gowns, shimmering decorations, and the promise of a magical evening. I however, had this prickle in my skin, like a thousand tiny spiders skittering across my nerves. The Yule ball was tonight and I still hadn't gotten my dress. 

My sneakers squeaked on the stone floors as I walked in from the rain. My hair was slighty wet and stuck to my forehead.

    "Let me help you with that, darling," Someone pulls the soggy books out of my arms. I push my hair out of my face. Cedric. He scoops my arm into his and starts walking. I almost slip on the wet floor. 

    "Really, Cedric." I start, "I can cary my own books."

    "Nonsense," He laughs, "What do you have here anyways?" He begins so look at each book cover. He stops when he sees the dragon encyclopedia.

    "Which class is forcing you to read this rubbish?" He scoffs. I stop walking and pull my arm from his. I gently grab the book from his hands and look at the floor.

    "Look, darling" he turned to me,"I didn't mean to make you upset. In fact I love dragons."

    "Is that so." I continue walking without him but he catches up. As we walk, girls stare. More of them glares than anything else. Any one of them would be crawling all over Cedric right now. So why did he have to choose me.

    "Has your dress arrived yet?" He questions, "I do believe that color would bring out your blue eyes."

    My eyes are green.

    "Uhh no" I lie, "Must have got lost in the mail."

    "Oh you are just hilarious," He chuckled an extremely unattractive sound,"I got a letter saying it arrived later this morning."

    "Well I haven't been in my room since before breakfast so..." I am so sick of the guy already.

We are still walking through the corridors. I tried to make a few unexpected turns but it seemed as if Cedric knew exaclty what I was trying to do.

    "Well I can't express my excitement for tonight."

    "Oh I think you've expressed it pretty well." I turn to him with a forced smile, "This is my stop, I'll see you tonight, Cedric."

I walked through the slithering metal of the common room doors. I sighed of relief when they closed behind me. How did I get myself stuck in this situation. 

    "How did you get yourself stuck in this situation," Pansy was leaning against a pillar to the right of the door. 

    "Thank God," I slouch in relief, "You have to get me out of this, tell me you have leftover puking pastels or something."

    "Unfortunetly no," she starts to strut towards the girls dormitories, "I do have a absolutaly gastly gown awating your arrival however."

This just keeps getting better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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