Chapter 2

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I avoided Malfoy as much as possible the next few weeks. What he said made me so mad. I don't know why. I mean, it was true. Pansy was the pretty sister for sure. But he didn't have to say it out loud.

Some things weren't avoidable though. Snape had made us potions partners all week as if he knew I was trying to avoid him. I wouldn't say it was a total loss though. Potions was the one class I was bad at and it just so happened to be the one Draco wasn't bad at.


I sat on the bench in the corner of the courtyard, reading a book about dragons. Everyone was talking about the events of the other day.

After the three champions were chosen to compete in the Triwizard tournament, a fourth name was shot out of the cup. It was none other than Harry Potter of course. Anything interesting that ever happens around here involves Harry Potter and his friends.

Everyone had been wearing pins that said Potter stinks. As funny as they were, Potter didn't seem to think so. He came storming into the courtyard. He approached Cedric Diggory, one of the four champions. I couldn't hear what was going down so I continued reading my book.

"Why so tense Potter?" Small snickers and mocks came from a nearby tree, "My father and I have a bet you see".

Malfoy couldn't shut his mouth for three seconds if he tried. He always had something to say about someone.

    "I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament", the blonde jumped out of the tree strutting towards Harry with all his goons behind him, "he disagrees, he thinks you won't last five."

    "I don't give a damn about what your father thinks Malfoy" At this point everyone outside was staring at the ongoing argument.

Harry said something that made Draco's face go red. He stumbled to get his wand out when suddenly he disappeared. Well, not technically gone. Professor Moody had turned him into a fuzzy white ferret. If I'm not gonna lie he looked better like this than before.

Everyone rushed over to see what was happening. I set down my book and pushed my way to the front.

I couldn't help but let out a snicker. Moody had used a spell to put the ferret boy down Goule's pants. The boy squealed and squirmed as the ferret, Draco, crawled around in his pants.

    "Professor Moody", Professor McGonagall pushed her way through the group of students, "What on earth are you doing?"

   "Teaching" Moody continued to his torture.

   "Is that- a student" She gasped throwing her hands over her mouth.

    "Technically it's a ferret" Moody replied with a chuckle.

As McGonagall hurried to transform Malfoy back into himself I leant over to the Blaise Zabini next to me.

    "He looked much cuter than the ferret" I snickered.

    "Agreed" He put his hand over his mouth and laughed.

    "Are you ready, this is my favorite part" I took a pause to straighten my posture and put on a mean face.

    "My father will hear about this" I mock at the same time as Malfoy, except mine was much higher pitched.

    "That was pretty accurate" he laughed, "I think you sounded more like Malfoy than Malfoy."

After playing cat and mouse with Moody for a minute, Draco ran out of the courtyard.

As I turned to get my books I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to face McGonagoll with a melancholy expression.

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