Chapter 5

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    Draco has been distant since our talk. He doesn't make snarky remarks regarding my nerdiness or even glare at me. I catch him staring sometimes but he just looks away blank-faced. He's the same with Pansy and Blaise though. But the second I come into the room he leaves. I get it. I hurt his feelings. But I didn't think he would be salty for this long. It's not like I stabbed him in the back like he did to me at me and Pansy's 7th birthday.


It was a few minutes into potions class and I sat at my lab station reading my book about dragons. I had been previously partnered with Weasley but he unfortunately fell out of his chair and sprained his elbow.  Don't ask me how to cause all I caught was Potter whispering something that must have been super shocking into his ear.

Anyways, I sat alone at my station. I didn't mind working alone cause at least everything is done my way. Just as I drop a porcupine quill into my cauldron, the main door opens. Everyone looks over to see who it is. It's Draco. I thought maybe he was sick today considering he's never been late to potions.

    "Draco" Snape's monotone voice carries out the O, "if you would join Miss Parkinson that would be ideal."

Draco audibly sighs. It was well deserved but still rude. Pansy isn't in potions at this hour so it was obvious he was talking about me. Snape caught on.

    "Perhaps if you don't want to accompany Penelope you could just take a failing on this assignment." Snape towers over Draco. Who looked at me with a blank face and stalked over to the table.

I didn't say anything when he set his books down. I just continued reading my book. I only just started the potion. I used boiled syrup of hellebore and two tablespoons of powdered moonstone. I looked through my potions book to see part of it scribbled out. I could tell this was an act of vandalism according to the various little... hot dogs...drawn on the top of the page. I was hesitant to ask Draco.

    "Have you added the porcupine quills yet?" He interrupted my thoughts. I nodded. He stirred to potion a bit, "Hmm it's still green. What about the unicorn horn dust."

He didn't seem very mad anymore. He was just obviously avoiding eye contact.

    "Oh, umm no it was scribbled in my book I couldn't figure out what we were missing."

    "You could've asked me instead of standing there. Crab and Goyle are already bottling theirs." He puts the correct amount of unicorn horn dust into the cauldron and stirs. It turns blue.

    "I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me. So I just kept my mouth shut." Maybe he's finally forgiven me.

    "I wouldn't put my feelings before my grades Parkinson." Maybe not.

    "Oh," ouch, "I get it."

Draco bottled the potion as the bell rang and handed it to me. Then he just left without saying anything else.


Pansy and I walked into the great hall at lunch. The tables were packed with fruits, vegetables, fried chicken, and mashed potatoes. My mouth was watering and my stomach was screaming. Though as Pansy took her seat next to Blaise my appetite was gone. She had purposefully sat next to Blaise so I had to sit next to Draco. It is always the other way around.

I sat down giving Pansy a glare. I was so uncomfortable. Everyone was talking amongst one another but Draco sat silently next to me. Since I hadn't been hungry anymore I got my book from my bag and began reading.

Someone on the other side of the table called Draco over. He stood up and made his way over, leaving his plate of food there.

I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. I don't know what came over me. Draught of peace. Without even thinking of the consequences I poured the potion Draco had left for me during class into his pumpkin juice. My thought was maybe it would help him calm down about the whole situation and forgive me.

I couldn't tell you why I was so dead set on making him forgive me. It hasn't bothered me before so why now do I care so much?

Draco made his way back making sure his eyes never met mine. As soon as he sat down he took a big sip of his pumpkin juice. All I could hope for was the best. I glanced at him for a moment but immediately looked back. He had a troublesome expression. He began choking.

Oh no. This is definitely not what I expected. Maybe he could taste it. Oh god, this was a very bad idea.

He stood up abruptly. The room silenced and started to stare. Draco fell to the floor. There is no way this is happening. I just killed Draco Malfoy with the stupid potion just so he would forgive me over a silly argument.

I hesitantly turn my head to see him laying on the floor. He was breathing. That's a good sign. Right?

Students began hovering over him. Tried to shake him awake but he just laid there.

    "Stand back" McGonagall pushed through them, "oh dear heavens." She placed a hand on his forehead, "Someone call for Madame Pomfrey to have Mr Malfoy escorted to the infirmary."

I put my head on the table. Oh lord, this is very bad.

Panic |D.M.|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang