20. Bail

459 14 39

March 11th

Ariene and Remus stayed in her dorm for most of the day, and Ariene talked to him about what happened when she kissed Sandrine. Ariene knew she had to face Marlene eventually, and it was probably better to talk to her sooner rather than later, but she couldn't bring herself to leave her dorm. Marlene had told her she loved her. Ariene didn't know if she had ever loved someone in that way. Maybe Sandrine? She remembered how much she loved when she made Sandrine laugh, and how she would dress nicely for her, and how she used to braid Sandine's blonde hair. Sandrine was the first person she smoked with, on the roof above the charms classroom back at Beauxbatons, looking out to the mountains as the sun sank slowly, making the sky a bright orange. Ariene knew she didn't feel this way about Marlene, as much as she'd like to. She didn't know what to do. Marlene made her feelings clear, and it seemed so easy. Three words. Eight letters. Ariene wondered if Remus loved Sirius, or if it was simply a crush. Ariene sighed and decided it was best to talk to Marlene. She sat up, and Remus turned to her.

"Going somewhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to go talk with Marlene."

"Oh! Did you make up?"

"I didn't tell you?" Ariene bit her thumbnail. "Last night she told me...something,"

"What? What did she say?" Remus sat up.

"I- I think I should tell you later. You know, she might not want you to know? I'm not sure, I think I just need to clear some things up."

"Oh." Remus laid back down, clearly a little annoyed, but Ariene had bigger problems at the moment.

"Can I use the map?" Ariene asked. Remus shrugged and waved a hand to his bedside table. Ariene picked it up and pointed her wand at it. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map colored instantly, and she opened it up to find Marlene's name. "Shit."


Ariene ran out of the dorm and down the hall. People quickly moved out of the way, tutting as she sprinted in her combat boots to the staircases. She looked around and then ran up the stairs.

"No! Putain de merde!" Ariene pulled at her hair when the staircase began to move. She decided that she couldn't wait, and ran up the stairs. "Shit, shit!" Ariene said. She bit her lip and jumped from the top of the moving stairs to the ledge. She stumbled backward and her heart jumped into her throat. Luckily, she grabbed the railing of the ledge, but the movement caused her to look down. It was a six-story fall. She hoisted herself up the ledge, adrenaline rushing through her veins, and she dusted herself off before running down the corridor in front of her. She reached the end of the corridor and found them. Mulciber and Barty Crouch were closing in on Marlene.

"Aw, look at the disgusting mudblood trying to get away," Barty grinned.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Marlene said, reaching for her wand. Mulciber grabbed her wrist.

"Hey! Over here, you little shit!" Ariene yelled. Mulciber dropped Marlene's wrist and snapped his head around.

"Shit!" He exhaled.

"Were you just looking for a fight, Mulciber?" Ariene said. She walked toward him. Mulciber widened his eyes. Ariene saw Barty scramble for his wand.

"Don't try anything, Croutch, because you will regret it." Ariene narrowed his eyes, and Barty's jaw clenched.

"We'll get out of your way." Barty licked his teeth, and Ariene scrunched her nose up in disgust. He moved away and Mulciber followed. "Degenerate," It was barely a whisper, but Ariene knew the word all too well. She spun toward his back and stared at him, eyes burning with fury. Barty and Mulciber tripped and fell to the ground and began scrambling to get up. Ariene walked over to them slowly, a grin appearing on her face, staring down at them writhing on the floor. She slowly pulled her wand out of her pocket and pointed it at Barty.

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