#9~ Shawn Song

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Matt~ Stitches
There's no real reason behind that, you guys just like jamming to it

Shawn~ Never Be Alone
Even though he's always on tour, you still have him in your heart

Taylor~ Show You
You guys don't care if you are going to get in trouble when you do stupid things you just do them

Nash~ A Little Too Much
Even though sometimes you get fan hate, you still get through it and Nash helps you

Aaron~ Strings
He loves to look at your beautiful face when you wake up and when you're sleeping. You guys are so inseparable.

Carter~ The Weight
It reminds you of your ex, but when Carter is with you, you forget all about him.

Jack J~ I Don't Even Know Your Name
He saw you at one of his shows and thought you looked so beautiful even with just something casual, but then he lost you on the crowd, but he found you after and asked you on a date (edited)

Jack G~ Kid In Love
You guys are so in love, you don't care how old you are you guys love each other till the end.

Cameron~ Life Of The Party
You guys are outgoing and don't care what people think or say about you

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