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"OMG, Cam how could you! I would never do that." I screamed at my boyfriend, Cameron.
"Well if you would stop being such a slut then I wouldn't accuse of you of cheating." He yelled back. He never called me that before and I couldn't take it anymore, my eyes were watering. I yelled back," I'm not cheating Cam." He looked so angry," Then what's this." He showed me a picture of me and my cousin, I was kissing his cheek. I said," Wow, Cam that's my cousin, of you would've asked, I would've told you, but no you called me a slut and accused me of cheating!" Tears were streaming down my face and I ran up to my room and locked the door. I slid down the door. I was in there for about 20 minutes when I heard a soft knock on the door. "Jessie please open up I didn't mean that, I was jealous and I thought you would leave me." He was softly sobbing after, I couldn't take it anymore I opened up the door and Cam looked so heartbroken. I ran to him and kissed him ever so passionately. He said," I'm sorry I called you a slut and accused you of cheating." I said," It's ok Cam, I forgive you and don't forget I love you." He said," I love you too Jessie." He kissed me again this time with even more passion. The kiss got heated and he whispered in my ear,"jump" so I did. He grabbed my thighs and lightly on the bed.
(You guys know what happens after that 😏)
*Next Morning*
I woke up to the sun shining in my face, I turned around and saw Cameron, fast asleep he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I remembered everything that happened last night and smiled, Cameron was so gentle and sweet. I'm so lucky to have him, then I felt a weight shift on the bed, signaling Cameron was awake. I said," Good Morning Cam." He responded in his sexy morning voice, "Good Morning princess." I was literally so happy to have him, it feels like a dream, but it's real life.

Hope you liked this Jessie belieberforever245

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