#15~ Youtube Tag/Video you do Together

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Matt~ Boyfriend Does My Makeup
You didn't want to do it at first but then you gave in and you were shocked when you saw your makeup

Shawn~ Cover
You guys did a cover of the song Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran cuz' it's your guys' fav song to jam out to

Taylor~ Ask Taylor & Y/N
You guys were so bored so Taylor decided to do an Ask Taylor and Y/N, so he tweeted the fans to ask you guys questions with the #AskTaylor&Y/N. There was so many questions and some were lets say very dirty

Nash~ Girlfriend Does My Makeup
Nash didn't want you to do his makeup because then he will look like a girl but you ended up doing his makeup anyways

Aaron~ 7 Second Challenge
You guys thought it would be fun to do a challenge together, so you decided to do the 7 second challenge it was super funny to watch each other try to find stuff or do stuff in just 7 seconds

Carter~ Cinnamon Challenge
You really didn't want to do this challenge but for some reason you ended up doing it anyway.

Jack J~ Girlfriend/Boyfriend Tag
This tag seemed very cute to do and the fans loved you guys doing videos together so you thought why not do the girlfriend/boyfriend tag

Jack G~ What's in My Mouth Challenge
One day you were super bored and you guys ended up doing the What's in My Mouth Challenge, you ended up winning

Cameron~ Pickle Challenge
You didn't really like pickles (sorry if you like pickles) but Cameron begged you into doing it with him, of course Cameron ended up winning

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