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"So what, now they got self-driving motorcycles?"chim said as they walked up to a motorcycle that was on fire and the wheel was spinning a carousel at the park around. A man was hunched over in it

"Wouldn't that defeat the point?" Hen asked looking at him as they walked up to it

"That rider couldn't have gone far. Buck, Eddie, hose that down and turn that bike off."Bobby told them, they nodded and did as told

"Think I saw Christopher watching a video like this online." Eddie told them

"But that bike wasn't on fire." Y/n nodded having seen it before as well

"Hey, can you hear me?" Bobby asked as he touched the man's shoulder, he leaned back and his eyes Bulged out of his head

"Oh!" Buck jumped back a bit "Oh. Uh..."

"All right, let's get him off of there." Bobby nodded at them all, they picked him up and set him on the ground

"His pupils are extremely dilated. Globe luxation in both eyes causing them to bulge out." Hen said as she and chim began to check him out

"Blood pressure's off the charts." Chim looked up at her

"Starting a line." Hen nodded at chim

"what happened to him" buck asked as they watched

"Depending on how many times he was spinning around like that, it could be G-lock." Chim explained before going back to what he was doing

"G-force poisoning from the force of the spin?" Eddie asked

"Right now, all his blood is pooling inside his head. It's pressing against his brain. That's why he's out cold." Chim explained "We don't get that swelling down, he could have a stroke."

"We've gotta get him stable enough for transport. Running isotonic fluids." Hen said to chim once again

"Wait, I feel like I know this guy." Buck pointed to him

"Good thing I'm bit the only one" y/n said as she looked at the man confused

"All right, BP's stabilizing." Chim announced loudly

"Administering numbing drops" hen said quietly compared to him

"I'll hold back the curtains while you show these guests to their seats." Chim opened his eyelids for her

"All right. Here you go." Hen said as she put the drops in his eyes "Cap, we're good here."

"All right, let's get him up and transported to the nearest neurosurgery trauma center." Bobby told them

"I can see. Thank you." The man said as he say up

"Who did this to you?" Y/n asked him

"Oh, I have an idea." Bobby said as he looked up to see the men from a while back when the microwave was cemented onto the same guys head, hen and chim helped the man into the ambulance as they loaded up the truck

"Afraid you're gonna be otherwise occupied. You're under arrest for trespassing, vandalism, reckless endangerment, and disturbing the peace." Y/n heard Athena's voice ring out

"You can't prove anything." The blind looked at her

"Don't need to. You fools livestreamed your confession on the Internet." She chuckled as they got handcuffed

"Hey, guys. Remember us?" Bobby said as he recorded them

"You've gotta be kidding me. How small is this town?" The same sighed

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