chapter 4 (part 2)

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Kayla: walks up to kameron and pulls her off of Marcus's lap by her hair. Gets on top of Kameron then starts punching her in her face.

kameron: yelling. "get off of me."
starts trying to hit back but misses.

Marcus: trying to pull Kayla off of Kameron. "baby let go of her hair."

Christian: runs in the room and starts helping Marcus pull Kayla off of Kameron.

Kayla: Still punching Kameron then kicks her head and let's go of her hair. " sit on my man lap again I dare you." Walks out the classroom and sits on the stairs.

Christian: run out the classroom looking for Kayla. " there you are. Are you good ma?"

Kayla: "yea I'm alright."

Kameron: running towards Kayla. "don't ever touch me again." putting her hands in your face.

(Kayla's POV)
so this little girl come running toward me and Christian talking a whole lot of bull but she don't know how to fight. Kameron is Marcus's ex girlfriend. She hates that me and Marcus are going out but guess what I DON'T CARE!!

(End of Kayla's POV)

Kayla: gets up in Kameron's face and starts yelling at her.

(Christian POV)
Kayla hates it when people puts their hands in her face so, if you put your hands in her face she gets up in your face. Kayla would never back down from a fight.

(End of Christian's POV)

Marcus: runs over to Kayla and Kameron and pulls Kayla outside. "calm down bae. I know you don't like Kameron and Kameron doesn't like you but calm down."

Kayla: "No cause you just let her sit on your lap." starts getting mad.

Marcus:" you pulled her off of me before I could even push her off of me."

Kayla: "bye Marcus." starts walking out the front down of the school then starts walking home.

20 minutes later

Kayla: walks in her house looking really mad.

KM: ¨Kayla why you look so mad?¨

Kayla: ¨It's nothing.¨

KD: Walks downstairs. ¨Kayla why you look like you want to punch a hole in a wall?¨

Kayla: Starts yelling a little. ¨It's nothing!¨ Goes to her room then flops on her bed. "I need to take a nap." She starts to fall asleep but then her phone starts to ring. "ugh. what does he want." answer the phone.

(on the phone)

Kayla: What Marcus.¨

Marcus: "baby are u ok?"

Kayla: "yes Marcus. Now what do u want I was about to take a nap."

Marcus: "oh my bad. Anyways I am going to let you nap for awhile then I going to show u my surprise."

Kayla: "ok talk to you later."

Marcus: "Ight. I love you Bae."

Kayla: "I love you too." hangs up then starts to fall asleep.

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