chapter 5 (Part 1)

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next morning

Kayla: gets a text from Jasmyn.
Jasmyn: "someone told me that u been sleeping with Christian."

Kayla: "who told u that cause they lying. i am still a virgin."

Jasmyn:" Kameron told me."

Kayla: "so now you believing a girl who slept with everyone at our school. I can't believe that. Bye Jasmyn
(end of texting)

(Kayla POV)
"I'm wondering why is Jasmyn believing everything Kameron is saying? but anyways why would I sleep with Christian I don't like him like that anymore. Let me go talk to Kameron."
(end of Kayla's POV)

15 minutes later

Kayla: knocks on Kameron's door. Starts yelling. "open the door."

Marcus: Opens the door. "what do u wan...." gets cut off by Kayla.

Kayla:" what you doing here." walks in the house and goes upstairs and see Kameron on the bed naked.

Marcus: "baby I'm sorry it's not what it looks like." trying to hug you.

Christian: walks out the bathroom naked. "what's goin...." stops and looks at Kayla.

Kayla: pushing Marcus away. " get off of me. you sleeping with her too." looking at Marcus with tears running down her face.

Marcus: "no never. I just got here Christian been sleeping with her."

Christian: "don't tell Jasmyn."

Kayla: "i have to tell her. even though we get mad at each other don't mean we ain't friends no more. ooh I'm going to tell her. Jasmyn loves you and this is how you treat her." run over to Kameron and starts punching and kicking her."

Kameron: "get off of me." Trying to hit back.

Marcus: Pulling Kayla off of Kameron and takes her outside then puts her in the car and drives her home.

Kayla: Looking out the window crying.

To be Continued....

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