chapter 7 (part 1)

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Previously on "Falling for her"
"Babe my head hurts." Kayla says as she holds her head.

"are you okay? You might be stressed." Marcus says as he holds kayla's head in his lap.

"No I'm not okay Mar..." Kayla says as she pass out.

"baby get up come on." starts crying. Christian call 911 Kayla passed out and she's not breathing." Marcus tells Christian.

"what happen..." Christian says as he gets cut off

"just shut up and call 911!" Marcus yells

"ok ok." Christian says

5 minutes later
the ambulance arrives and takes Kayla to the hospital.
"stay with baby." Marcus says as he is holding Kayla's hand.


At school
"I hope she is okay." Christian says as he walks back and forth with his hand on his head.

"what happened to Kayla?" Jasmyn asks as she runs down the hall towards Christian.

"Just know that she is about to go to the hospital!" Christian says to Jasmyn. 



Marcus POV

* I am so glad that my baby is going to be okay. I really hope Kayla finds a new best friend because I can't trust Jasmyn anymore. It's just something about her that knocks me off the roof. *

End of POV

"Baby where am I" Kayla says as she slowly starts to wake up.

"Your at the hospital. The doctor says that you can go home now you've been here for 2 hours." Marcus says as he gets her stuff together. 

"My head hurts a lot." Kayla says as she holds her head.

"I know I know now let go i'm hungry and i'm not letting my baby eat this nasty hospital food. What you want to eat i'll pay, well i do that anyways but yea pick where where ever you want to go." Marcus says as he helps Kayla get up.

"Well since you said anywhere first i want to go to Chipotle and then go the mall 😊 Please." Kayla says as she smiles at Marcus. 

"Alright anything for my baby." Marcus laughs.


 On the way home from the Mall 

"Thanks baby for everything." Kayla says as she tried to hug Marcus.

"Awe you welcome like i said anything for you." Marcus says as he kisses Kayla on the lips.

2 minutes later

"Well hello sorry to interrupt lol but, I really like you jeans if you don't mind me asking where did you get them from." Dae says as she asked Kayla. 

"Oh my gosh. Dae i missed you where have you been." Kayla says as she hugs Dae.

"I moved to Atlanta but, I had to move back because of my new summer job." Dae says.

"Hi i'm Marcus Kayla's boyfriend. She talks about you a lot." Marcus says as he shakes Dae's hand.

Kayla POV

I knew Dae since we were 5. Her mom was like a second mother to me. To be honest Dae is like my best friend. I'm so glad that we are all going to the same school. I have to get Dae hip about everything that has been going on

End of POV

----------------To be Continued------------ 

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