1 - Craziness

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Scarlett flipped through the script.

She must be dying to let Barbara put her through this.

Scarlett wanted to be an actress, she would have been an actress. But she'd said no to that a long time ago and had let Barbara grab the bull by the horns and dash for the finish line.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow at her twin sister, pregnant with twins, Barbara was huge!

Scar prayed that when and if she got pregnant she wouldn't gain weight like that. But from the moment Barbara found herself pregnant, all the rules of her diet were thrown into the gutter. She claimed she wasn't going to worry about what she could and couldn't eat. She would enjoy every second.

Scarlett tossed the script onto the small table.

- It will not work.

- He is going yes. Trust me. - Barbara put her legs on the footrest in front of her. - No one will ever know the difference. We've been dealing with these things together from day one. You are as good an actress as I am.

Scarlett looked around the cocky trailer that served as her sister's dressing room, a duplicate of Chris Evans, her perpetual co-star.

Scarlett had already gone into makeup to prepare for filming.

They both knew she was going to get through this.

But why did she get stuck now? Why was it a mistake? Why was she so afraid? Or because of the sex scenes she would have to do with Chris Evans?

Who was she kidding? Like all women across the country she had a phenomenal crush on him. Oh God, she was in love with him. Who wouldn't want to die to be able to hold that man in their arms even if only for acting?

And the appearance? The camera didn't do it justice.

She had met him a few times. In each case Scarlett struggled to keep her mouth shut.

Electric blue eyes sparkled with his smile, and he smiled a lot.

And he wasn't pretentious in the least. In fact, he was very…accessible. Just the way a factory employee next door... who happened to earn up to twenty million dollars a movie.

Scarlett couldn't formulate more than two smart words when he was around her. If he noticed her clumsiness, he was kind enough not to mention it. In fact, he said very little to her. Which was good. If he touched her Scarlett would be able to fall into a thousand pieces.

Now she was expected not only to talk to him but to create the hot sex scenes that the duo Barbara Johansson and Chris Evans were so famous for.

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