2 - Body Double

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- What if... if he has an erection?

Barbara laughed as she smoothed her belly.

- It would be the first time. You've been in the business long enough to know this isn't a promise. It's a production with a director, cameramen, sound and lighting technicians right on your ass. The environment is not the most conducive to passion.

- It just feels so real... - Scarlett felt a little stupid saying that.

- That's why we call it acting. Chris and I are really good at what we do.

Yes they were. And they were paid very well to bring the blockbuster movies to life.

Like Barbara, Chris used his wealth to help his family. Scarlett's parents would never again have to work a day in their lives. Barbara had bought houses for Scarlett and her two younger brothers. She would have taken over lifelong care too if her father hadn't interfered.

Their father didn't want the children to become leeches. Barbara got around the situation by calling the brothers into the business and they didn't look bad.

The only setback was Scarlett. She preferred the relatively quiet life as a teacher at an English and Drama school, even though she had to spend the first week of every school year convincing new students that she wasn't the great Barbara Johansson. Scarlett didn't deal with the issues of invasion of privacy the way Barbara did.

Though I had to give them credit. Barbara and John had done an excellent job of hiding their relationship. No one knew that Barbara was married to wealthy investor John Sugarman and that they were now expecting twins. This is one of Hollywood's best kept secrets.

Unfortunately he was also the reason they were now sitting in Barbara's trailer today waiting to start shooting Barbara and Chris' new movie.

- Why don't you just tell the truth to people? Scarlett questioned for what felt like the hundredth time.

Barbara moaned.

- Oh God, please don't make me answer that question again.

This had been discussed until they were both exhausted. Scarlett was needed in her place. The myth had to survive. Many careers depended on it.

Delaying the film's production would bring the media on top, digging for a story. Even though Barbara's advisor had invented something about the delay for the press, there was still the issue of the release of her latest film.

Scarlett could even hear the speculation.

Where is Bárbara?

Were there problems in paradise for the boiling duo?

There are rumors in Hollywood that Chris Evans is gay.

They might be able to survive the inquisition, but like ticket sales, they would certainly jeopardize their future endeavors once people realized they weren't a real couple. At least that's what financial investors kept saying. But don't worry, we'll still be using a twin. Problem sorted out.

Yes right.

- Have you ever counted a Chris? - Scarlett asked.

Barbara studied how to manicured nails.

- Well, not yet. We don't have time alone and our phone numbers can be monitored.

- But you could text. Scarlett shuffled toward the kitchen.

- Relax. She dismissed the worry with a flick of her fingers. - I'll tell you today.

- Who knows?

Barbara shrugged and said, "John, of course." My agent, advisor, producer and director.

Scarlett covered her face and shook her head.

- Naked in front of everyone. How do you do it Barbara?

- It's a closed set. Only the necessary team will be there. Plus you have a body to kill. One any woman would be proud to have. Mine was like that.

This led to another question, another problem. Scarlett fixed her gaze on her sister's green eyes.

- And how will you continue the scenes now? She's pregnant with twins, obviously, she's going to have changes.

Barbara looked away. Her very clear answer, she was going to ask Scarlett to remain her body double...

- It's not so bad. We do the sex scenes first so they stay out of the way. After this part of filming, it would be a week or two out of your life at most. We know Chris and I don't have many more years to live before we lose a few perks and things start to…fall.

- Maybe you're lucky and he has a twin to bribe. She hated herself for her impertinence but the more Scar thought about being naked in Chris' arms the more out of control she felt.

Barbara's long sigh was her undoing. Scarlett had given her word that she would. They both knew she would keep her word, so why make the point? And Barbara compensated Scarlett for the assistance by sharing her salary with Scarlett after taxes and fees were deducted. It was three months of her time during the summer. What harm could happen?

A knock on the trailer door snapped her out of her thoughts.

- It must be Chris. - Barbara said. - We usually go to set together. - she smiled. - Want to have some fun with him? - More than she could have imagined.

- What kind of fun?

- Let's see if he can tell the difference. Pretend it's me. I usually just say come in.

And here it starts.

- It's open. she yelled.

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