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Once in Elysium, Idol was lucky to quickly get his bearings on how everything works here. Instead of thoughtlessly diverting girls for sex with the help of physical minutes, he began to study existing events. After months of wandering in virtual world, Idol came to the conclusion that about eighty percent of event lives are similar to each other. He was bored of watching the hosts collect a lot of subscribers without offering anything interesting in return.

The idea to carry out "public humiliations" came quite quickly. In one of the chatrooms, there was a quarrel in which the guy leaked personal photos of a girl who was pretty popular among the metaverse. While all this was going on, the chat room was in the top five rooms for that hour. Top five rooms around the world.

The idol quickly figured out how to turn this to his advantage. This is how the "Poisoned Dreams" event live appeared. It unraveled in a week. Just one week. There were more people who wanted to get even with the enemies than you can imagine. Rumors about the event spread at the speed of a sound, many came just to look at the humiliation.

How it happened: users send information and photos to Idol, invite the "merged character" to the location, and the toughest begins.He once laughed at the Raving in Hell event, because, according to him, real hell is not at all demonic surroundings, fire, orgies and frightening decorations, real hell is all that shit that people pour on each other, asserting themselves at the expense of this.By the way, Idol was close friends with Kali, the curator of the hellish and, concurrently, heavenly event. But she never commented on his "creativity". Idol was famous, and therefore many hung around him. At each event, he was welcomed - invitations to all top private locations, he could do whatewher wants, he is loved and respected."It's funny to look at these pathetic guys whose info was leaked. If I had been in their place, I would have simply died... Everyone has something to hide. The question is only in quality of hidden information. And compared to them, I'm doing very well," the smile never left his face.

Idol was a typical narcissist. Not the type of narcissist who will deny it and argue about that fact, he is even more complex - the one who recognizes his narcissism, exalts it, is proud of it and considers it a way of life. He had the obvious habits of a star.

But the more he played, the more he believed in his own status - the status of a person who is respected and appreciated, who is drawn to (and it doesn't matter that for the most part users are drawn to him for selfish purposes). Idol made himself a cult of personality, a brand whose hallmark was the humiliation of other users. As he himself put it, "sometimes criticism is useful." To criticize someone's creative activity, appearance, opinion, lifestyle, material wealth, family - just give people the opportunity to observe, and they flock to the "criticized" like a flock of hungry kites.

"As always, clear and to the point."

"Idol, you are so smart, I will send you physical minutes, thank you for what you're doing."

"Breaking my ex on the facts? I'll send you the minutes."

"Listen, there is a case, I have already thrown off the minutes and leaked the information. Criticize one scum on the stream."

Idol had only one single fear, overlapping all other experiences - he was afraid that someone would show his personal information. This fear was his nightmare, which would cause Idol to wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night while frantically checking his private messages. Fear slowly grew into paranoia, and in the real world, when he went to work or went about some of his petty business, it always seemed to him that those around him and bystanders knew something. It was as if one of these strangers recognized him, despite the fact that his real face and avatar were drastically different. Only his eyes betrayed him. He never changed them.

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