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The story of one of the main developers of Elysium began long before the foundation of the new world system. Inari grew up in the family of an artist and IT specialist, having watched since childhood how his parents create many beautiful virtual worlds, working in a company that develops popular video games.

In addition to the creative side, they believed in the ideal, freedom and the opportunity to change the world for the better, often going out to demonstration rallies against the abolition of higher education for students from poor families. But when a "disaster" happened at one of these actions (this is how the media described what happened), and Inari's parents died, he was close to hating the whole world. Anger, a desire for revenge, a sense of injustice - he wanted to blame absolutely everyone for this, but an example of parental love and respect for what they believed in brought him to his senses in time. Now Inari wanted to make their dream a reality by all means. In memory of them, create something that would make everyone else in the world happy.

The idea of somehow changing reality seemed tiresome for Inari. This world seemed completely lost to him, so he dreamed of creating his own. The Garden of Eden, where the souls of tired people will find their true form and bloom. Therefore, without wasting a day, Inari set about developing the concept of the future Elysium, while simultaneously working in one of the largest IT companies in the world.

Writing the plan, he traveled a lot (while it was still available), took photographs, painted landscapes, until he created the very first location - a flower garden. With this location that he presented the project, having received huge funding and many influential people interested with his idea. Inari overnight became the youngest, most successful and richest employee of the company.

But nineteen-year-old Inari wasn't interested in money. He understood that if over the years the experiments with the choker would be successful, then he would create a world in which money wouldn't be needed at all. Everyone will have everything in abundance - just live and rejoice. In Elysium, you don't have to spend your life working to earn money for food and a roof over your head, because life is much more valuable. Inari wanted to give people real meaning and the ability to contemplate.

There was no need to impose a specific goal, so Inari worked to create a space in which people will decide for themselves what they want, without harming anyone.

But the head of the company in which he worked began to lower him from heaven to earth. Dave was a tough man, a bit of a fanatic. He looked like a priest in a typical nerd style: long hair, a thick beard, bright eyes, sneakers, hoodies... In his fifty six years, he dreamed of becoming an immortal God. When Dave first heard about Inari's plans and dreams, he immediately began to impose his goals on him under the guise of a benefactor.

"Just imagine... Not only will everyone be happy to look like they want to, travel anywhere they want to, and do whatever their heart desires, but they will also have an eternity! No aging, no disease, no loss. Endless life. This is what we should strive for!" Dave said admiringly.

"But then reality is nowhere to be found. What will be left here if we achieve this perfection? I mean our physical world, not virtual one," Inari asked.

"Nothing. Let those who already feel good stay in Elysium!"

"But, for example, you, Dave, feel good too. You live without needing anything. Society needs you, because your mind and your developments are the future. Why do you want another life? You're wealthy enough."

"Don't you understand? No matter how good it is for me or someone else, we want happiness to last forever. I want eternal life. Just like the rest of humanity," sincerely answered Dave.

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