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Only few people lingered in Levi's group. They had fun only at the moment of hacking and partying, and the general meetings in chatrooms bored them. This annoyed Levi, despite the fact that he always said that he was ready for such moments, and finding like-minded people who will be with him until the end is the most difficult thing that you can think of in the framework of Elysium.

"Maybe it's time for us to create our own event live? Then there will be more people and they will leave less often," one of the guys suggests to him.

This time they are sitting in a spacious room with a huge window that opens onto a hologram of an Asian metropolis like Hong Kong. There are large plants around, everything is illuminated with bright purple neon light, reminiscent of a phytolamp in shade. There is a small, but rather deep pool in the room along the wall, due to which many users who enter this chatroom don't notice it and fall into the water. The lighting in the pool is also purple.

In the middle of the room stands a statue of Buddha, the size of a man. Levi sits comfortably on top of it, his legs dangling over the coffee table, which is lined with joints, an ice bucket, and bottles of pink gin. Various banknotes of high denomination are scattered on the floor. There are euros, and dollars, and yuan, and rupees, and yens. Typically, location designers use this decoration to show that money in the virtual world has no value - this is a kind of metaphor, so in many chatrooms you can see the floors strewn with pieces of paper. However, in the real world they are also not particularly used anymore.

"What kind of nonsense? Do you think it's a big problem for us to create our own event live? If they wanted to, they would have done it a long time ago. That's not the point. We have a different path," Levi replies, rolling his eyes.

"I mean, to develop an interesting event live. Like, for example, event-live with religious overtones, or role-playing event-live, where everyone plays the role assigned to him. Something like that might be interesting and keep users there. It's just that everyone has become tired of parties for a long time," he mutters.

"We don't just have parties. This is a protest. We go against the rules, create new ones. It may sound funny, but it's only for now. What is the point of doing an event live? To waste time aimlessly again? This is what they are striving for. I just want you to finally open your eyes and see what I see," Levi says.

The guy is silent, realizing that Levi cannot be persuaded.

"Just think about it, we are already being controlled. Divided up the world without asking, stripped everyone of their jobs, stuffed them into a metaverse, into a fucking simulation like we're retarded. You also have to play by their rules. Well, no, I don't want to live a life like this. We basically have nothing. Only avatars. We are like cattle in a pasture that doesn't exist. I don't understand why many of you don't see this, and moreover, rejoice at this alignment. Elysium is one big dump of unnecessary people. And I want to make a full-fledged world out of this dump, where everyone will have property, rights, where there is no artificial intelligence that replaces us in almost everything. I want a different life, and it's not about parties. More precisely, parties are like the first level. The beginning of the entire plan. And that's why I really need users who will go with us till the end. Yes, we can be blocked for hacking, but it's not as scary as living like soulless robots. Tell me, do you want your own location?" Levi asks, nodding in his direction.

"But... I'm not a designer," the guy replies in confusion.

"Here!" Levi pats his knee aggressively, "I'm not talking about that! Do you want a location that will be your home? Not to create, but to have, to own it. I don't know how to explain it to you..."

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