33. SH3 IS MIN3

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What Levi does is beyond good and evil. Like the devil's advocate, he presents his cruel plans as a kind of benefactor. And all this is no longer a movement for freedom. This is virtual terrorism.
I send letters back, but to my surprise they go unanswered. Levi does this in an extremely subtle and stealthy way that no one would think that some user would have figured out how to access thousands of other chokers. The most frightening thing is that Levi, when hacking other people's accounts, claims that this doesn' happen in case the waves kill recalcitrant users, which is natural selection.

"We only meet the possibility of being aware of self-destruction, if it doesn't fall within the framework of the new 'Elysium'. It's humane. Painless and honest. In a new, free and environmental society, we do not need scums."

I go to other places and listen to what the users are talking about.

"It is a fact. The developers staged a genocide. And who is behind it? Our powers," says some stranger in location where I often spend time lately.

It's a noisy techno hangout in the basement. I've been here many times already.

"Crap. The more I learn such news, the more I want to throw this choker to hell. But it's even scary to think... It's probably better to die here than in the gray oppressive reality."

Shaman comes up right there.

"I have long predicted this mass destruction

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"I have long predicted this mass destruction. The fact that Elysium was a conspiracy was immediately clear!" he says loudly.

"This is some nonsense. Who needs to destroy other users? What for? It sounds like rumors."

"There would be a stuffing if it were not possible to find facts and news. Users die after hacking some rooms and events."

"There are two options - either the creators of the simulation, or some very talented sociopath. It's worse, of course, if the creators are behind it. They don't know, their names are always kept secret, do you know why?"

Many of users are obsessed with conspiracy theories, others, on the contrary, rely on realism. But all this doesn't negate the fact that what is happening is serious, and gone beyond the limits of the metaverse.

"Yuno, you work for them, don't you have any information? I'm not talking about the purpose of the killers, but at least can you tell us is this a pre-planned 'selection' or simply intolerance by the human brain of updating the latest version of Elysium?" Shaman asks in his usual vociferous manner.

"Wow, I can't believe it. You just asked me a question. Usually you're the one all-knowing," I try to joke.

He smiles rather.

"Well, 'all-knowing' is a compliment for me, and yet, I would like to talk with a person who somehow had a connection with the devs. You do know something for sure."

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