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It should be noted right away that any manifestations of feelings in Elysium are not considered something serious. Everyone, of course, is different: there have been cases of real love, but for the most part, everyone is just pretending. In an hour you can find a partner for yourself, play great "love" with sets for the next five months - this is the maximum period according to statistics, but not according to the rules. In fact, the seriousness of your relationship turns out to be only one, the most important factor - whether you meet in real life or not. Most people who fell in love in metaverse very often wanted to get together in reality. Obviously, they found their soul mate, everything, they say, was perfect. However, the virtual world, no matter how plausible it may be, remains only a fake of life, and it brings profit. Not for a second does the feeling of deceit leave you. By the way, I didn't even notice at what moments Aia lingered in my life. Probably since the day I found her sitting in my kitchen while I was asleep. Since then, she stayed with me. We didn't even discussed whether we're a couple or not. Everything works out for us somehow "silently". Gradually, I begin to pay attention to the fact that my apartments are changing, becoming more comfortable. Aia added more decor elements, changed lighting, added an aquarium with moon jellyfishes.

"It turned out that they were in my location, but I thought you would like it," she approaches as I look at the large aquarium with the neon light that changes its color every three seconds as well as small transparent jellyfishes change it's hue ...

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"It turned out that they were in my location, but I thought you would like it," she approaches as I look at the large aquarium with the neon light that changes its color every three seconds as well as small transparent jellyfishes change it's hue with the lights.

Then Aia added the bookshelf full of different books, however, there are no letters in them at all. That's what I'm talking about. Eternal feeling of deceit.

"Don't forget, this is my location, you shouldn't fill it with your trash," I answer coldly, trying to deny that I really like all this.

She just nods silently.

Every time I put on a choker and return to Elysium, she is already here, in my location. Watching her again and again, I experience a strange sense of reality. As if this is my real life, but I forgot it and I'm just starting to remember. I don't take it as something virtual, no matter how hard I try to convince myself, and here's the thing: in the entire time I was in Elysium, I was in virtual relationships with more than seven girls, always aware that we were simply distracted from reality. They quickly rebuilt, changed avatars and behavior patterns, everything was false, we crossed paths in various locations, and I didn't even allow them to stay with me for a long time. I had enough hours of spending time together, on this we broke up. But Aia is special for me and I can't even explain why I feel this way. She lives in my private location and I love it.

Among other things, I constantly try to remember where I saw her. Whenever I bring up that conversation again, she looks at me like I'm stupid. Like I'm insane. Maybe it is so? But here is the main oddity: as soon as I take off the choker, I leave the metaverse, as I realize that I can't remember her face at all. This is the first time with me. Usually I remember very well, even perfectly, the avatars of all the users with whom I communicate. After all, my work involves a concentration on details. But Aia seems to be being deliberately erased from my memory. I can collect her image by some small details, but it doesn't fully correspond to the truth: blond hair - sometimes pink, sometimes lavender, sometimes dark; the way she smiles with her head tilted to the side; her thin arms, her light purple eyes and thoughtfull gaze, as if she were trying to make out the shadow of a swimming fish in the clear water; her habit of swinging her leg while talking when she is very nervous.

But still, how does it work? Why do I see her in Elysium and feel that we have known each other since birth, but if I leave the server I can't remember what she looks like.

But still, how does it work? Why do I see her in Elysium and feel that we have known each other since birth, but if I leave the server I can't remember what she looks like

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"Do you like living with me?" she asks, looking at me again. Sometimes I notice that her manner of speaking is like that of a family psychologist. So calm, looking straight into my soul, trying to understand me. And sometimes I see God in her. It's strange, but that's how I imagine his demeanor. As if she gave me this whole beautiful world and with a complete understanding of everything, she asks me, "do you like living with me?"

Yes, I like living with her.

But I can't even answer her properly.

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