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Despite the fact that I'm one of the designers for the development of locations, Elysium still remains an unexplored space for me. I don't have access to all functions, I don't know the names of system administrators, and I have never really seen the developers. Therefore, there was nowhere to gain experience, except with the help of an aimless, at first glance, travel through the rooms.

Seeing what has already been created by other users, I involuntarily thought about something new, and ideas were born. One of my best locations was the two-parted room with pets. Inside, users could cuddle puppies or kittens, play with them as much as they like, because in reality we can't keep pets at home. The tax on them at one time exceeded the norm, and soon people stopped having pets. An entire industry collapsed related to the sale, veterinary services, goods such as food, drugs and toys, and later people completely forgot that they could once buy themselves a "friend" and keep him at home.

The room I created was always full of users, so due to the relevance of the idea, analogues appeared quite quickly. Rooms with parrots, rooms with rodents, rooms with turtles...

For a particularly successful location, you always get additional minutes of physical access, therefore, you feel freer in Elysium.

I kinda feel tired today. Don't really want anything. I think that I should work, but it's hard to force myself, although I usually do this all the time - I don't feel well, but I'm doing work, so I don't need any drugs.

All my friends are offline, and I'm not in the mood to meet someone new.

I choose location randomly, the condition is the absence of other users, and I'm lucky enough - I see empty room called "Everlasting Trip".

After entering I find myself in a subway train. The clock on the display shows five minutes to eleven. Outside the window, a night city flies by, with its busy streets and half-empty skyscrapers. It is quiet in the train, I can only hear the breath of the air conditioner, "outside" the temperature is about twenty-eight degrees Celsius at such a late time.

Stations flash one by one, but the picture keeps repeating, and the train doesn't make a single stop.

Stations flash one by one, but the picture keeps repeating, and the train doesn't make a single stop

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Suddenly my gaze falls on a girl sitting by the opposite window.

"The location showed zero number of users inside, I really thought I was alone here," I say out loud, grinning. It's probably rough. Like I'm hinting at her leaving.

She looks at me with empty, expressionless eyes of large gray eyes, and then turns back to the window. I can't catch the true color of her long hair because of the changing neon lighting - they are light blue, lavender, mint, cotton candy.

"Probably some kind of bug," she replies indifferently.

"Well, looks like the whole location is broken. The train even skips stations... I wonder what is the final destination here?" I say, looking around.

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