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Summary: Nova secret listens to Calum watching porn. 


It's been a week since the incident happened. Nova was walking to the his room when he heard something playing. He heard moaning and decided to looks, out of curiosity, of course. He saw Calum getting off to some porn. He listened and then walked away. 

Now it's two weeks later and he's been using it to his advantage. Nova gets up and goes to Calum's room. "Wake up, Calum.... can you make breakfast?" Calum groans and looks at him. "Can't I just sleep a bit more?" Nova whines. "Please..... please daddy..." Calum glares at him. 

"If you want me to do things for you, don't call me that..." Nova smiles. "please make me breakfast, daddy..." Calum gets up and heads to the kitchen.  Nova sits on the counter. "Can you make me pancakes, please..." Nova just looks at him. Calum smiles and nods. "Sure..." 

Nova smiles. "Thanks daddy..." Calum groans and goes back to making pancakes. "Nova, the pancakes are done!" Nova skips into the kitchen and grabs his plate. "Thanks Daddy!" Nova goes to the dinning room and hears something slam into the sink. "C-Calum?" 

He peeks around the corner and sees Calum with his arms crossed and looking out the window above their sink. "C-Calum?" "What." Nova frowns. "N-Nothing... sorry..." Nova looks down and goes back to his pancakes. He hears footsteps and looks up. They look at each other. 

"Why do you do it?" Nova looks at him. "Do what?" "You know what... why do you do that?" "I heard you listening to porn last week... decided to mess around with you..." Calum looks at him. "That's private stuff! It's only supposed to be known to me what I get off to!" 

Nova nods and feels tears running down his cheeks. He pushes his plate away and hears footsteps walking away. He hears a door open then shut. He gets up and goes to his room. He shuts the door and sits in front of it. He pulls his knees up to his chest and cries. 

He just ruined his friendship with Calum..... Forever.


2 hours later.


Nova wakes up and stretches. He hears the TV playing something and gets out of his bed. He goes to rub his eyes but they're so sore. He leaves his room and sees Calum sitting on the couch. Nova pulls the hood of his hoodie up and makes his way to the kitchen and sees supper already made. 

He frowns and goes to make his way to his bedroom again. "Nova?" Nova stops walking but doesn't say anything. "I made supper but didn't wanna wake up... Your eyes were so red and puffy... everything okay?" Nova nods. "Is it from when I yelled?" 

Nova nods slowly and feels the tears running down his face. He hears Calum getting up but runs to his room and locks it. He flops onto the bed and cries into his pillow. He hears knocking. "Nova... I'm not mad at you... It was more of a surprise to me... I like keeping my sex life private..." 

Nova cries and hears knocking. "Nova.... I'm not mad at you..." Nova  gets up and goes to his door. He opens it and sees Calum standing there. Nova opens his mouth to say something but the words get stuck and lets out sob. Calum wraps his arms around him and holds him close. 

"Don't cry..." Nova wraps his around around Calum and cries harder. "I-I'm sorry..." Calum rubs his back and Nova looks at him. "I'm sorry... about everything..." Calum smiles at him and wipes his eyes. "Come on... lets go watch a movie and talk..." Nova looks at him. "I don't wanna talk..." 

Calum nods and they go to the living room. Nova sits down and Calum goes to the kitchen. Nova hears things moving around and then Calum comes back with a cup of tea and a bowl. He sets the cup on the coffee table and hands Nova the bowl. 

"I told you earlier I made supper... I felt bad about yelling at you and made your favorite..." Nova looks into the bowl and smiles. He takes a bite and stops himself from moaning at the taste. "Good?" Nova nods and wipes his mouth. "Really good..." Calum smiles. 

Nova feels the tiny tension between them. Calum is fidgeting with the remote. "If y-you wanna talk.... we c-can..." Calum looks at him. They stay quiet then Calum sits back and turns the TV on. Nova gets the bowl down and grabs the cup. He drinks some then puts it down. 

He plays with the sweater paws and hears Calum sigh and he gets up. Nova looks at him. "Want a beer or something?" Nova nods. Calum goes to the fridge and grabs a few beers and sweeter drinks. He goes back and sets them on the couch. Nova takes his hood off and looks at Calum. 

Calum looks at Nova and sees his red nose and puffy, irritated eyes. He hands Nova a beer and Nova accepts it. "What made you want to start calling me daddy?" Nova looks away but sees Calum mindlessly pushing his thumb into the opening of his beer bottle. 

Nova clears his throat and looks away. "I-I.... I w-was just t-teasing you... didn't m-mean to make you m-mad at me..." Calum puts his beer on the table and then takes Nova's beer. He sets it on the table. "Don't fight me on what I do... okay?" Nova keeps looking away and nods. 

Calum smiles and pulls him to his chest. Calum lays down a little with his shoulders still on the arm of the couch and their chests line up and Nova's legs spreads to cage in Calum's hips and thighs. Nova sticks his face in Calum's neck and feels tears running down his cheeks. 

"Don't cry, baby..." Nova cries harder and then pulls away a little. "I-I'm sorry..." Calum looks at him. "It's fine... friends tease each other every now and again..." Nova nods but still has hears coming down. "Baby... why're you till crying..." Nova wipes his eyes and takes a deep breath. 

"W-what happens w-when you get a g-girlfriend.... can we s-still tease each other?" Calum smiles. "Who said I was ever getting a girlfriend..." "O-Oh uh..." "Much rather have a boyfriend...." Nova nods. Nova closes his eyes for a moment and feels lips on his. 

He pulls away and looks at Calum. "Sorry... I wasn't thinking..." Nova doesn't say anything and just sticks his face in Calum's neck and sighs. "Calum?" "Yeah?" Nova stays quiet but after a couple minutes, he tries to get up. "Nova... " Nova stops moving and they stay silent and still. 

Nova feels something poking him in his thigh and closes his eyes. Calum looks at Nova. It must be the alcohol. Nova feels Calum tighten his hold and then feels lips on his. Nova's eyes widen and he melts into it. He kisses back and Calum sits up. 

Nova pulls away from the kiss and looks at Calum. Calum smiles. "We don't have to..." Nova nods and he sits in Calum's lap. Calum covers him with a blanket. Nova smiles and lays his head against Calum's shoulder. He looks up and smiles. Calum looks down and smiles. 

Nova kisses him and licks against his lips. Calum opens his mouth but Nova pulls away and smiles. "You're such a tease..." Nova smiles and try to find something to watch on TV.

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