Lets Not Talk About It

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TRIGGER WARNING> Mentions of rape and assault.

Nova and Calum have been dating for a year now. Calum wants to take the next step with Nova but every time they get close to having sex, Nova freaks out and leaves the room.


Calum kisses Nova slowly and Nova kisses back. Calum puts his hands under Nova's shirt and Nova pulls away and goes to leave the room. Calum wraps his hand around Nova's wrist and stops him. "Can we talk..." Nova sits back down and nods. "Yeah..." 

Calum sighs and holds Nova's hands. "Whenever we get kissing and touching... every time we're getting in the mood, you run away..." Nova looks away. "I know... I'm sorry..." Calum pulls Nova into his lap and hugs him. "Just tell me what it is..." Nova shakes his head. 

"I don't want to talk about it..." Calum kisses his cheek. "Okay... just remember you can always tell me anything you want..." Nova smiles and kisses him. "I'm gonna go take a shower..." Calum lets Nova go and watches as he leaves. Calum sighs and falls onto the bed, thinking.


Nova enters the bedroom and sees Calum asleep. He smiles and lays beside Calum. Calum shuffles around and peeks his eyes open. "Hey..." Nova smiles and kisses him. Calum pulls away. "Can we talk?" Nova looks away. "Sure..."  Calum looks at Nova and sighs. 

"It's fine.. we're not breaking up if that's what you're thinking..." Nova looks at him. "What is it then?" "Why can't we move on from kissing and cuddling..." Nova feels a blush dusting across his face and looks away. "I-It's not something I l-like to remember..." 

Calum looks at him and pulls him close. "You can tell me everything... remember, we were friends for three years before being boyfriends..." Nova looks at Calum. "R-remember I told you i h-had a boyfriend before?" Calum nods. "Yeah..." "He w-wasn't the best..." 

Calum sits up and pulls Nova with him. "Okay... tell me everything..." Nova cuddles into Calum's side and sighs. "We were together for a few months... we agreed to take it slow... he went out with some friends and they had a few drinks... they came back to the house and I was waiting for him to return home... when they all decided to come over, I thought nothing of it... after a couple hours, they came into the bedroom and he stripped me..." 

Nova wipes his eyes and Calum cuddles him closer. "You don't have to continue.." Nova nods. "His friends.... took turns.... he thought it was so funny how I cried and pleaded for them to stop... after that night... I left him...  told my parents and we moved here..." 

Calum wipes Nova's cheeks and kisses him. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I was new and didn't trust any guy in school.... then I met you and as time went on, your friends seemed to notice how I would sit alone and one day when you weren't at school... they came up to me and sat down at the table. I was frozen with fear and didn't say a thing. One of them, I can't remember which one, told me, we see the way you look at Calum... I could feel the blush spreading across my cheeks and covered my face with my hands..." 

Calum smiles. "What else?" "The day you came to school after that, your friends would sit with me and would have you sit next to me... I liked it and then they set us up on a date..." Calum smiles. "I know... I loved every minute of it..." Nova smiles. 

"You helped me realize that not every guy and his friends will want to use me..." Calum kisses Nova and they lay down. "Thanks for telling me..." Nova nods. "I love you Calum..." Calum smiles and hugs Nova, tight. "I love you, Nova..."

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