Worst Case

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Nova goes to the police after he is raped.


A/N Obviously this will contain Nova telling the backstory to the rape so if it makes you uncomfortable, skip it. Mentions of also suicide.

Warning for hunger: Mentions of Burger King food and drink items.


Nova wipes his eyes and slowly opens the big heavy glass doors. He walks inside and sees everyone working. He sees a guy look up and see him. Nova watches as the guy gets up and makes his way to him. Nova holds his coat closed and the guy stops in front of him. 

"Can I help you?" Nova nods and wipes his eyes. "Can you tell me what happened?" Nova nods but stays quiet. The guy guides him to his desk and sits him down. "Do you want me to get you anything... water or something?" "Yeah...please..." The guy gets up and gets him a cup of water. He goes back and sets the cup down. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?" 

Nova looks down and then back up. "W-What's your n-name?" "Detective Bueber..." Nova shakes his head. "N-No... your f-first name..." "Jason..." Nova smiles and nods. He sniffles and wipes his eyes. Jason hands him a tissue and Nova accepts it. "Thanks..." 

Jason smiles and looks around at everyone working. "Follow me... I'm gonna bring you somewhere  else so we can talk..." Nova nods and follows the guy. They go inside a room and Nova sits down. "Can you tell me what happened?" Nova sighs and nods. 

"I w-was walking home... from a b-bar... I met some f-friends t-there..." Nova lets out a shaky breath. Nova clears his throat. "I was walking home.... t-this guy c-came up behind me... He pushed me a-against a b-building... He..." Nova looks up and blushes. "D-do you judge people?" 

"No... I'm open to everything that other people do... it doesn't matter what gthey wear, sexual orientation, it's their life..." Nova nods. "He... He pushed my skirt up and used h-his knife to cut off m-my underwear... he then.... raped me and left... he took my underwear with h-him..." 

Jason nods and gets up. "Do you have anyone we can call? family? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?" Nova shakes his head. "Please d-don't tell my boyfriend..." "I don't even know him, don't worry..." Nova looks at him. "He's a detective here..." Jason nods and closes the door. 

He walks back to the main area. "Okay, we got another case..." They look at him and Calum goes over. "What's this one?" Jason looks at him. "I'm not gonna let you on this case..." Calum stops. "Who is it." Jason fish mouths for a moment.  "Jason... who is it!" 

Calum makes his way to the backroom and swings the door open. "Detective Rivers!" Nova turns around and sees Calum. Nova looks at Detective Bueber and then Calum. "C-Calum..." Calum turns around. "Get out..." Jason leaves and Calum shuts the door. He goes over to Nova. 

"I can't hug you..." "W-Why..." "They're gonna want to have you examined and samples taken..." Nova nods and feels tears stinging his eyes. He sobs loudly. "I-I'm sorry!" Nova lets his arms fall and the coat falls open. Calum sees all the bruises. "Nova..." 

Calum sees the bruises around his neck and feels anger course through him. "What did they do to you!" Nova flinches at his words and the door opens. "Detective Rivers, can you take Mr. Halton to the hospital for a full exam?" Calum nods and looks at Nova. "Come on..." 

Calum and Nova walk through the police station and everyone looks at them. Nova has his coat closed again and just looks down.


Calum sits with Nova in the waiting area and they stay quiet. Nova sees Calum get up. "W-Where're you going?" Calum looks at him. "Just stretching..." Nova nods and looks at him. "H-Hey... Calum?" Calum looks at him. "Yeah?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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