Just being Playful

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Calum walks into Nova's room and sees him with his earbuds in. He smiles and goes over. He smacks Nova's shorts covered ass. Nova jumps and turns around. He sees Calum and takes the earbuds out. "Why'd you smack my ass?" "I was just being playful... come help me with something..." 

Nova follows Calum to the kitchen and sees some brown shopping bags. "Went shopping?" Calum nods and they spend an hour putting all the groceries away.


Nova lays on his stomach, on the couch in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of panties. The shirt is long enough to cover them to his thighs. Calum was going out with some friends tonight to hang out with them. He has his earbuds in and listening to youtube videos. He doesn't hear the door open or see Calum walk in. Calum smiles and goes over. 

He smacks Nova on the ass again and Nova jumps. He turns around and sees Calum. "I thought you w-went out with f-friends..." "Yeah, they're still there, started getting a bit too drunk so I left..." Nova nods and moves so Calum can sit beside him. "How much did you drink?" 

"Two beers, didn't want pushing my limits and had to drive..." Nova nods and goes back to his phone. Calum gets up and goes to the kitchen.


Nova leaves the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He goes to their shared bedroom and sees Calum laying on his back with headphones on. Nova looks over and sees Calum still listening to something with his eyes closed.

Nova takes out an oversized shirt and then looks through his panties. He picks a pair of white panties. He slips them on under the towel and then takes the towel off. He slips the oversized shirt on and turns around. 

Calum still has his eyes clothes but has a pink blush coating his cheeks. Nova goes and puts the towel in the laundry basket and goes back to the bedroom. He lays on his bed and sees Calum stretching and sit up. "Hey..." Nova smiles at him. "Your hair's wet... take a shower?" 

Nova nods and looks away. He feels his bed sink on the other side and then a hand land on his waist. Nova looks behind him and sees Calum. "Yeah?" Nova sees Calum thinking. "My friends were talking..." Nova sits up and turns around to face him. "About?" 

"Their girlfriends and they asked me if I was seeing anyone..." Nova smiles. "If you were dating anyone you'd tell me... you'd tell me if you liked someone.... right?" Calum nods and looks away. "Well... I haven't... told you..." Nova looks at him. "You like someone!" 

Nova smiles and moves around. He sits with his legs stretched out and crossed over. "Can you tell me?" Calum looks at him. "Promise not to punch me?" Nova nods and feels lips on his. He kisses back and feels fingers run through his hair. Nova smiles and pulls away. 

Calum looks at him and wipes his mouth. "it's me..." Calum nods and kisses him again. Nova kisses back and Calum pushes him back. Nova pulls away and smiles. Calum smiles too and rolls to the side. "Lets just cuddle..." Nova smiles and cuddles closer to him.

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