My Alpha

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"Fuck..." Nova whimpers and feels the alpha roughly fucking him. He feels the alpha pull out and flop next to him. Nova rolls over and looks at the alpha. The Alpha is getting up and getting dressed. "Thanks for helping, James..." James turns around. "You're my friend...  it's fine..." 

He finishes getting dressed and then leaves. Nova sighs and gets up. He gets dressed and leaves to go to work. He gets to work and waits for people to start coming in. The door opens and Nova looks up. "What can I get you today?" The man in front of him smiles. "Just a coffee please..."  

Nova smiles and nods. Nova turns to him. "Any sugar, cream or milk?" The man nods. "Three sugars and cream please..." Nova nods and fills the cup. He hands it to the man. "That'll be a dollar twenty-six... anything else?" The man shakes his head. 

"Well... one thing.... would it be weird if I asked for your number?" Nova blushes. "I don't usually give it out to people I don't know..." The man nods. "I understand... my name's Calum..." Nova smiles "I'm Nova..." 


3 Weeks Later


Nova hears the door open and he looks up. He smiles. "Morning, Calum..." Calum smiles. "Morning..." Nova goes to make the usual drink for Calum but Calum stops him. "I was thinking.... would you like to go on a date with me..." Nova blushes and nods. 

"Sure..." Calum smiles and Nova goes back to making the coffee. Nova hands him it and smiles. "When's the date?" "I'll come pick you up from here...what time do you get out?" Nova smiles. "I get out around 5..." Calum smiles. "See you then..." 

Nova smiles and watches as Calum leaves and more customers come in.


Nova hears the door open and continues cleaning the counter. "Sorry, we're closing up..." Nova hears a chuckle and turns around. He sees Calum and smiles. "Sorry... I didn't know it was you..." Calum smiles. "It's fine... I'm gonna head to the bathroom..." Nova smiles and Calum leaves. 

The door opens again and Nova looks up to see another guy. "Sorry, we're closing... come back tomorrow..." The guy goes up to the counter. "They make an omega close up? Don't they know Alphas will see and go in and bother them.... I mean.... omega's can't do anything without an Alpha... let me help you close up..." 

Nova feels himself shrinking into himself. "N-No... that's fine...." The alpha in front of him watches as he turns around to clean the rest of the counter. Nova feels someone behind him and freezes. The guy leans down and whispers, "Let me help..." 

Nova feels the guy place his hands on his waist. Nova smells the strange alpha release his scent and Nova whimpers. Nova hears footsteps and sees Calum. Nova sees him looking at the Alpha who is pressed against him. He goes over and pulls Nova away from him. "Hey! I was busy..." 

Calum looks at the Alpha and lets out a low growl. Nova watches as the Alpha leaves and he looks down at his feet. Calum looks at Nova and goes over to him. Nova looks at Calum. 

He doesn't want to cancel their date but maybe Calum doesn't want to go out with him now that another Alpha has touched him. "Still wanna head out for our date?" Nova looks at him and nods. "E-Even after that?" Calum goes over to him and nods. 

"Of course... I'm upset another alpha put their hands on you but I still wanna go out with you..." Nova smiles and they leave the coffee shop.


6 Months Later

Nova hears the chime of the door opening. "Closing up tonight?" Nova smiles and turns around. "Hey..." Calum smiles and sees Nova smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. "What's wrong?" Nova shrugs. "Nothing... nothing wrong..." Nova smells an alpha's scent and goes rigid. "C-Calum..." 

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