Episode 4

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Noel's POV:
It was about 11:53 in the morning when we arrived in downtown Union. Right now me and Yukina were checking into our hotel for the night while Kazuki and Rukia were out in the city looking for some clues about the kidnappings.
After a few minutes We checked in to our rooms which was quite spacious for a hotel.
Yukina: Hey, Noel should we go out and help Kazuki and Rukia investigate?
Noel: Sure but Kazuki did say that we should asked the hotel staff if there have been any mysterious guests checking in here.
I answered as I finished putting down my stuff. After that we asked around the hotel if anyone saw anything suspicious going on byt we had no luck. As we were preparing to go back to oyr room I received a call from Rukia.
Noel: (on phone) Hello?
Rukia: (on phone) Noel! Thank goodness you guys picked up.
Yukina: Why, what's wrong?
Rukia: We found some whitefang members near the town square get here now!
Noel: Okay we're on our way.
I said as I hang the phone up and ran with Rukia towards the exit and bolted to the towns square.
A couple minutes before the phone call.
Rukia's POV:
Me and Kazuki have been walking for a couple minutes here in the city but to no avail. I was just sitting down at a bench near the town square while Kazuki was inside of some random store buying some snacks. Afte a few minutes he got out of the store holding some sandwiches. He walked up to me and stood beside the bench.
Kazuki: Here! Want some?
Me: Thanks.
I said as I took the sandwich from his hand.
Me: Still nothing huh?
Kazuki: Still nothing, but let's ask a couple more people before we head to the hotel.
Me: Ok.
I agreed as I continued eating my snack.
When suddenly we heard a voice screaming coming from town square.
Kazuki: Crap! Rukia call Noel and tell them to come here now!
Me: Right
I said as we ran towards the town square. As I was running to the town square I called Noel and as soon as she picked up I told her to come here immediately.
When we got to town square there were several whitefang members around the time square taking several people including faunus and forcibly putting them inside a white van.
Kazuki shouted wich was heard by the thugs.
Whitefang grunt: CRAP! It's heroes, take them down men.
One of them shouted as the others charged at us with their weapons drawn. Me and Kazuki both started fighting each and everyone of them. One of them tried to slash at me with his sword but I step to the side and delivered a punch straight to his face which I followed up with with a kick to the stomach. I then took down the others ones who tried to fight me hand to hand. I kept fighting off some grunts as I noticed Kazuki doing the same.

???: Ice shard!

A voice shouted as an ice attack hit a grunt that was tryng to sneak up on me. I turned around and saw Yukina and Noel had just arrived.

Me: Thanks Yukina!

I said as I doged another attack and kicked the grunt down.

Yukina: No problem.

She said as she and Noel fought off a bunch mooks as well.


We heared the woman yell as she was putt inside the van and then the vam began to drive away.

Kazuki: Dammit! Girls stay here and wait for the police and make sure no one is injured. I'm going after that van.

Noel: Got it.

Noel said as Kazuki sprouted his wings and took off after the van.

Kazuki's POV:

As I was flying after van I noticed a motorcycle with a grunt on it so I got closed to it and knocked the guy out before taking the motorcyle for myself. I kept weeving through streets trying to catch up to the van but then suddenly a dust round was shot at my tire and I stumbled to the ground. I looked up towards a building and sa a man wearing a gray hoodie with a grim mask on holding a sniper riffle running away. I looked towards the direction of the van but it was too late it too far to catch, so with a defeated sigh I flew back to my team.  When I got there all with fang grunts were being escorted into police vehicles and Noel was talking to a police officer.
I approached Yukina and Rukia who ere off to the side just resting. Yukina noticed me walking over and went towards me.

Yukina: Kazuki you're ok.

She said as she walked up to me.

Rukia: Where's the van?

Me: Got away. Had a snipper on the roof.

I said as I clenched my fist in frustration. Yukina held my hand in an effort to cheer me while Rukia just sighed. Noel walked over us with some papers on hand.

Me: Any new info Noel?

I asked as she handed me the papers in her hand. It was document after document of former whitefang members which included personall information on them like their names, gender and age as well as some private information like where they live and if they have a family or not.

Noel: Those are all the victims of the kidnappings of these last few weeks. As you can see all of them were former white fang members.

Yukina: But why would they kidnap their former members?

Yukina said as she was also skimming through the documents.

Rukia: Some of these people are high ranking officers. Some even have families with humans.

Kazuki: I think they're tying up loose ends. Since some of those people were high ranking members that could have vital information about the fang. Things like thier plans and other schemes.

Noel: It's also very likely that the humans that were kidnapped were people affiliated with these members or perherps even their significant other.

Me and Noel said as evidence lined up with one another. After the two were done reading the files we gave it back to the police.

Me: We'll resume this mission tomorrow but for now let's head back to the hotel and report to Union.

I said as I begun leading them back to the hotel. After walking for a few good minutes as well as stopping for some food we made it back to the hotel and went to our rooms.

Noel: I'm going to call Union and tell them about the information that we got.

Noel said as she begun looking through her phone for Union's number.

Me: Thanks Noel. If anyone needs me I'll be taking a shower for a bit.

I said as I entered the shower. I took off my clothes and step into the bath. I clenched my fists in frustration for letting that van get away and for not seeing that sniper on the roof.

Me: Well whatever their plan is. I'll stop the whitefang no matter what.

I said to myself as I continued to soak in the bath.

To be continued.

And that's another chapter done. Leave a comment down below to tell me what you gusy think.

I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye👋

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