One Shot: (d)Anger

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DISCLAIMER: stalking behavior, violent thoughts, swearing and implied sexual content.


Brennan knew something had changed between those two. He had sensed it. And now he got his proof right in front of his eyes.

He had been following Jade around since she was discharged from the hospital, he knew she was there 'cause a local newspaper had written about the accident. Too bad the bitch wasn't dead.

He should have hit her harder.

The thing was that right after the collision, he had felt so bad that he even thought about sending her flowers. But on a second thought... No, he couldn't risk the police getting too close if she'd found out it was him who had sent the bouquet.

And then she got home and a dude started coming in and out of her apartment building and he had started seeing red. Pure crimson, deep and rich... and he thought it was perfect. Poetic, in a way.
So one day he decided to leave and old red carnation on her doorstep, just like the good old days.
And then a vase.
And then...

Oh, he had so many ideas, but she would love the final act, Brennan was sure of it. He just had to figure out a way to get her alone. No fucking Kelsey, not that... Shit. Just thinking about that guy made his brain go blank and a surge of violence came up from within. He had to do something about it, punching doors and guys in the blind alleys was proving to become too little of an outlet for his anger, he needed something new. 

If I can't have her, then no one else will.

He was ready to do everything and anything to make sure of that. If he couldn't have her love, then rest assured he would steal her power away. And then some.

He made the decision the second that bitch reached out to take him by his fucking jacket or whatever the hell he was wearing, and he got angrier every second they spent close to each other, but then he saw them kissing and anger spiked to a whole other level: if he'd had a gun, he'd have shot right here, right now. Only at her though, let him suffer like he was suffering. The thought of that made anger turn into excitement and he couldn't hold in a little laughter. 

Oh, it'll be fun.



Neil was watching her getting near the building door when she said that one thing that overloaded him: feeling his pants getting tighter, he totally felt like a fifteen year old again and soon he turned away, trying to shake his smile off of his face. 

He was just about to open his car door when he thought he had heard laughter, but it was so late and no one was around. Although... he had seen someone walking amoung the bushes in front of the apartment building when he was standing in front of Jade, just minutes ago. He took a quick look around, to check if anyone was visible, to no avail. No one was there. 

He started driving home, now completely sober, but high on something else. He had kissed her. She had said she had been thinking about it for quite some time, and he wondered how long they had lost to their worries.  But the thought was cut short: he needed to think about the now. Her soft lips, the roundness of her bump, her gorgeous brown eyes and silk hair, her kind heart, big personality, positivity and negativity alike, her voice, her. Everything about her made him go crazy, and it showed: his thoughts were running, his heart was pumping so fast that a cardio session couldn't compare and... well it also showed in his pants: he terribly needed to take care of that, and oh he did as soon as he got home. Then feeling relaxed, his mind at ease once again, he started fully undressing, and went to bed. 

He would have had a lot to think about the next morning. 


Author's note:

Hello beautiful readers! I hope you're all doing fine.

I'm sorry today's chapter is rather short, but I needed a little scene to go in between Lost Bets and Victories and what's coming after it. You've also been introduced to Brennan's character first hand now... Soooo what do we think of him? Uhmmmm, curious to hear your opinions eheh.

Plus, my arthritis isn't helping these days and typing on a keyboard feels like a hammer is coming down on each of my fingers individually everytime I hit a key. So that's why I've been kinda slow lately. Hope you can forgive me. 

Remember to like the chapters if you enjoy them and why not leave a comment, I always have a blast reading and responding to them! 

Lots of love, 


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