How you met: Mondstadt

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You were new to the knights of favonius and Jean had sent you to Dragonspine to get frozen meat. You were already freezing to death and couldn't find a fire but you found a broken bridge. You thought it would lead to something warm so you glided across and kept walking. A distance away there was a cave with fire so you ran to get there, you didn't care if there were people you needed warmth. Fortunately for you there was no one but there was a crafting table and a bunch of other stuff you didn't really know. You suddenly remember something Jean had said, the chief alchemist of the knights of favonius had a camp up on this mountain. His name was Albedo. You looked behind you and there was a person. "Hello, I think I've heard about you. You're Y/N the new knight, correct?" you shook your head. "You're Albedo the chief alchemist, right?" "precisely." The two of you soon became friends and you no longer froze to death.



You had joined the adventurers guild a few days ago and you were just going to do your last daily commission when you saw a boy with white hair and a pyro vision. He was fighting a blazing axe mitachurl and was about to get hit by it. You ran to him and pushed him out of the way. "Hm? Oh hi, thanks for pushing me out of the way! It seems like this time I didn't have terrible luck." you look at him confused and then you realize this must be Bennett the adventurer with extremely bad luck. "No problem. I've heard about your adventurer team, are there any free spots? It'd be nice to have more than just me to fight these big guys." his eyes filled with shock as he nodded his head. After that you two did commissions together everyday and became best friends.



You're Kaeya's best friend and you two were going to meet up at Angels share to hang out. You knew who Diluc was, you had just never talked to him so today you decided to do so. When you entered you immediately saw Kaeya annoying Diluc, he looked so hot it was making you nervous but you didn't care. "Are you the one that kaeya won't stop talking about when he's drunk?" you try not to burst out laughing, you always knew kaeya would talk about you like he liked you, but when he's drunk, that's just hilarious. " It seems like it." he then looked back at Kaeya who was already drunk, "I thought they would be worse, not a bad choice." you giggled and thanked him. You guys got along quite well and soon became good friends.



You had a long day of doing favonius work and you decided to have a quick drink at Angels share, when you saw the cavalry captain of the knights. You had never officially met him but you had both heard of each other. You went up to him and started a conversation. "Hey, I never thought you'd come here." he looked up at you, "Oh i thought i was the only knight that drank." he laughed. You guys began talking and met up there every three days.

Different style of writing from here sorry:/



You went out for a walk in wolvendom but got stuck in a hilichurl camp

You were about to be hit but Razor came out of the bushes and attacked them

When he was done you thanked him and asked how you could repay him

He said that you could go hunting with him everyday

You didn't mind, you enjoyed his company



You saw him at the tavern

You thought it was funny how much that little guy drank

You joined him and he asked if you wanted to go there once in a while together

You agreed and you became great friends

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