Gorou, Ayato, Heizou and Scara catch-up

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Now, please keep in mind I paid no attention to Gorou's hangout, I forgot absolutely everything in Ayato's quest and i haven't done Heizou's hangout yet.

How you met




You had your vision taken away and you were pretty unhappy about it

He came up to you knowing what happened and he told you about the resistance

You thought it was interesting and even though you no longer had your vision you could still fight well with a weapon

Long story short, you joined and Gorou became your bestie magically



You were Thoma's friend

Then you became Ayaka's friend

Then they introduced you to Ayato

Let me just say you fell in love immediately

I mean, he's hot so it's understandable

You got along well and you ended up becoming fairly close friends



You got him to solve a case for you once

He flirted and you thought that was funny, he seemed like someone you'd be friends with (or more ;) )

Once he solved the case he asked if you would hang out with him sometime (he meant it platonically, he's not like us who simp the moment we see them lmao)

Ofc you said yes



You met this angry little bitch while he was in Inazuma getting Raiden's gnosis

You wandered off to someplace random and saw his big ass hat

"Heyy, that's an interesting hat you got there!! It looks cool!"

He scoffed and ignored you going back to doing whatever the hell he was doing

"Hey, dude! I just complimented you!! At least acknowledge my existence!"

Tbh you annoyed him so much he almost killed you, he thought you were amusing though so he kept you around and yall 'became friends'

He realizes his feelings



Idk man

Uhh, he saw you take out a soldier from the shogunate's side even without elemental power

He thought it was extremely brave of you to even do this without half your power

He realized then that he truly admired everything about you and genuinely just fell in love




He liked that you could get along with Ayaka

Actually, she shipped you guys so that's why she introduced you to him but we don't speak of that (I headcanon Ayaka as the major shipper for her friends and just Inazuman folk in general)

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