Gorou, Ayato, Heizou and Scara catch-up part 2

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Sleeping positions




Bro im stuck on this one


I feel like he like his space when sleeping

Soo, you facing him while he facing the opposite way but he makes sure he's touching you somehow, prob with his tail



He doesnr sleep cuz yashiro commission shit

But when he does you lay your head on his chest and he wraps one arm around you




God this is so hard for what??!

Yall take turns spooning or something, i really can't think of anything



Refuses to sleep in the same room as you

Sorry ;)

Probably sleeps in the hallway right outside your room tho to keep you safe, dont tell him i said that or i might just be murdered.

You're injured





Idk man

Takes a break on ms Hina work

Knows you'll be okay but is anxiously pacing back and forth



Literally head of the Yashiro commission so can't take a break from work

Made sure the best doctor in Inazuma was there to treat you

Difficult to focus but he does it anyways



Uses his fancy shmancy detective skills to find what hurt you and will kill it with his dumb kick with a smidge of wind which will totally help (yes im dissing him, ngl his mechanics are actually very fun and i love everything about him lol)

Idk, will work on less stressful cases until you are fully recovered



Will toture what hurt you

He won't kill it right away, honestly he's too sadistic for that

It will die eventually tho


Like, A LOT

Seeing you after a long trip




Worried little bby

Kokomi even had to hang out with him to distract him from thinking the worst

Yeah idk

Very happy when you get back

"Oh thank the archons you're back!!"



He has the Yshiro commission to distract him yet again

But often times at night he awaits your arrival while sitting near the front door

Thoma was starting to worry a lot too cuz his room was a lot messier with paperwork and stuff than usual

"Welcome back home dear, do you need anything? I'll get Thoma to get it for you."



Bitch would take a day off to look for you

And he would find you

So he wasnt that worried

He just missed your voice after like quarter after twelve when you gave him an ESTIMATE of the time you'd be home

So no being too late

Cuz he saves your ass



Bold of you to assume he wouldn't stalk you the whole trip

When he sees the skirmishers coming towards you he kills them without you seeing him

Easy peasy

You get sick





Stayed with you the whole time

Doesn't care if he gets sick and stuff he just wants to cuddle you and make you feel better<33



Too bad but he aint like gorou

He's gonna make sure you're properly cared for but he dont wanna get sick



He'll take naps with you but other than that he does his own thing

Doenst care if he gets sick but is kinda wary



Same as the sleeping situation, will stay outside your door at most

Dude doesnt wanna get sick, he's too much of a brat for that

Don't get me wrong, i love Scara but he's kinda an ass

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