How you met: Liyue/Inazuma

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You were at Wanmin restaurant and saw Xiangling making very blue popsicles with a boy dressed in white and blue beside her

You were interested in what they were so you asked

The boy turned around and explained it to you

You thought it was cool and asked him if you could join in one of his exorcism adventures

He said it was fine so you became friends while doing that



Tartaglia saw you one day when you were walking around Liyue harbor

He thought you were cute so he went up to you

He started a conversation and you two quickly became friends



You were visiting Wangshu inn

You decided to go up to the roof and saw Xiao eating almond tofu

He looked at you and you smiled and waved

He then quickly looked away to avoid interest

The next day he found you fighting a big ass hilichurl camp and helped

When you were finished you two introduced yourselves

You then joined him up on the roof every night to give him some almond tofu and just talk



You were sitting on a bench somewhere in Liyue harbor reading

Xingqiu saw you and went over

"Hey, that's a nice book, you have good taste."

You look up surprised and thank him

You two end up talking about books the rest of the day



You met him at Wangsheng funeral parlor

You were setting up a funeral for one of your family members and you saw him

He apologized for Hu tao's strange behavior

He looked very charming so you ended up staying a little longer to talk to him

Fortunately for you it was the end of his shift so you went and got some tea




You are Beidou's best friend and she's been wanting you to see her ship

You ended up agreeing so she brought you to it

That's when you saw him

He looked at you and introduced himself

You guys didn't talk long because Beidou was still in the middle of her tour but you two became friends



You are Ayaka's friend

She wanted you to meet some of her other friends since you don't have much

So she brought you to Komore teahouse

A guy ran up to you fast and introduced himself

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Tohma, miss Kamisato's always talking about you

You laughed and introduced yourself

You guys became best friends right away

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