If its your birthdayy

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Did i make this because its my birthday finally? Yes...



Yall can do anything, he just wants to spend time with you

Your present from him is homemade

Prob takes you out for dinner then proceeds to have cake with you and Klee



Will NOT take you adventuring unless you really want to because he doesn't want your day to be ruined by his luck

Buys a cake but has you pick it up with him, he doesnt wanna drop it<33

I don't have many ideas for him



Hands down will do absolutely anything for you

He cleaned the Winery before you woke up so it would be satisfying, he made you your cake, he reserved a table at a fancy restaurant for dinner, he showers with you ;)

Yeah, he's an angel<333333



Will finish his duties as a knight as fast as possible, probably woke up at 5am to do them so he could spend the rest of the day with you

I bet 70000000 mora this man can't bake for shit. Cook? Maybe. But bake? Hell nah so he resorts to buying the cake

Tbh he probably buys two and the first one he shows you has a poorly iced dick on it

Treats you to a night at the tavern FOR FREE no matter how much mora it costs



Doesn't fully understand birthdays but what do we expect, he was raised by wolves

Asks Lisa what people do for birthdays

He, Bennett and Fischl throw a tiny party for you

His gift for you was a bouquet, i guess you could call it that, of Lampgrass



Very wholesome

Takes you to Starsnatch cliff to play you music, watch the clouds, sunset and stars

Makes sure to keep you entertained the whole time tho





Walks through Liyue for most of the day

For dinner yall just eat what's considered fast food in Teyvat idfk

Later that night yall are walking home and Xingqiu sneaks up in a bush and makes Chongyun kiss you then sneaks away

This one was very tough



He has to go out and do his Yaksha thing with killing demons or whatever tf he does

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