Tighnari Catch-up

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Yes yes, i know what you're thinking, ANOTHER catch-up but oh well cuz i like Tighnari and i'm going to write for him, i also got him yesterday on my alt and i'm so happy AND i have guaranteed Alhaitham on my main jdiubfinin

Also the fucking aranara quest is so exhausting, i just wanted the whole map unlocked man, i have spent over 13 hours on that and its STILL not done

Anyways onto the fic lol

How you met


You were a traveling partner with one of the dumbasses who ate the poisonous mushrooms

Tighnari found y'all and went to help him which meant that you could stay around for a bit and get to know him

You ended up getting along quite well and you absolutely loved how sassy he was

Anyways you decided to train to become a forest ranger and quit being an adventurer

He realizes his feelings


He fell in love when you asked how to become a forest ranger, you sounded so determined and he admired that so greatly

He figured out it was love a few weeks after though because he didn't pay a lot of attention to that and just thought he wanted to get closer in a friendly way

But when you were training with him he saw how happy you were and it made his heart flutter so when he was patrolling the forest one day he just kinda came to the conclusion

He confesses his feelings


He overheard you talking to Collei about him saying you liked him

He originally wasn't gonna confess cuz he didnt wanna make it awkward but now he had the closure he needed

So basically one day you were patrolling and saw a withering spot, you told him about it and as he was walking off to go deal with it whilst thanking you he sneaked in a little 'i love you'

You stood there in shock for like ten minutes and once he was back you had a talk about all that stuff cuz he wants you to feel comfortable<3



His for you:

Basically just calls you by your name a lot


Yours for him:


Actually both of you use each other's names a lot lol

Sleeping positions


Likes holding your hand while laying on his side facing you

Also he might wrap his tail around you a bit


You're injured


He takes care of you himself

Will go out from morning all the way til night to pick ingredients and stuff for medicine that might help you

Gets Collei to watch over you and if you wake up while he's out she'll contact him somehow because he wants to see you awake and safe asap

Seeing you after a long trip


He thought that you were caught up with some extra mushroom things and that you'll be back soon

He did NOT think that you were fighting something pretty far out from your usual field of work

When you came home all banged up expect to be smothered with attention and scolds about staying safe

You get sick


He helps you himself

He knows you know how to handle the medicine and stuff though since you always help him out, which means that when he does need to go out he can rest easy knowing you wont be feeling overly horrible

Pick-up lines


And just as you've planted that seed in the ground, I'm going to plant my seed in you ;)


If it's your birthday


Honestly really wanted to throw a surprise party for you with all the forest rangers but didnt know if you'd like that so it was just him and Collei and whoever else you wanted

He made the cake and the present/s

Idk what else

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that!

From now until like way later there are so many new characters coming out and my primos are suffering, who are you guys planning to pull on?

Imma pull on Alhaitham (obviously cuz hes sexy af and i when i saw him the first time and heard his voice I screamed without the s) Cyno also cuz hes hot, Maybeeee Dehya because she's also very very hot, Kusanali because she's adorable and I want her to feel wanted instead of hated by those who literally despise her, and of course if Scara does come out soon then DEFINITELY him

Love ya guys<3, probably see you in a month or more lol, school starts soon which either means, you get more chapters cuz i cant pay attention for the life of me, or you will get less chapters cuz mental health will crumple to the ground. I hope for the best!!

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