They confess their feelings: Liyue/Inazuma

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One day he took you out to Mount Hulao to eat popsicles and enjoy the view 

When he was done eating his popsicle he got up

"Y/n, I think I like, wait no, I know I love you." 

You looked up and he had his head turned away but you could see his ears burning red

You told him he didn't have to be embarrassed and that you feel the same



Basically after he found out he was flirting with you a lot more than he usually did

And then one day you went to a restaurant with him

You didn't want to make it a date, as you didn't realize the change in his behavior towards you

Of course in his mind, it was

He purposely chose a meal with chopsticks so you could help him

That's when you realized

"Childe, just tell me if you love me, don't try to drop hints."

He chuckled to himself 

"Okay then, if you really want it. I love you y/n."

you returned his feelings and walked straight out of there because there were people watching the entire thing



He didn't quite understand still what love was so he didn't know if he should tell you or not

He did anyway cause he thought you deserved to know

He wrote you a letter explaining that he loved you but still didn't know if it was okay to 

It was actually one of the most adorable things because he was so confused and slightly scared

You went to go talk to him

you explained it a little better than the books and told him you loved him back



He lent you a book you were looking forward to reading

Inside was a letter confessing his love for you

you started to write one, confessing your love

"Hey Y/n, what are you doing?"

He popped up with a clear smirk on his face, obviously already knowing the answer to his question

"Well I suppose the truth is out now."



He invited you to get some tea together (again) 

At the end of it, he closed his eyes and sighed

"Y/n I have grown strong feelings for you."

You put your head down to hide your blush

You then told him you loved him back




You were just chilling on the grass right outside Liyue harbor when Beidou ran up to you

"Y/n! One of the crew members told me to give this to you"

You opened the piece of paper and it was a poem

It was very sweet and heartfelt

You knew it was from Kazuha so you told Beidou to wait and you wrote a crappy poem on the back of it telling him that you loved him too



You, Tohma and Ayaka were eating lunch at Komore teahouse 

Ayaka had gone to the washroom so now both of you were alone 

"So Y/n, mind if I tell you something?"

You shook your head quite curious to what it was that he wanted to say

"To put it simply, I love you."

you told him you love him back and Ayaka came into the room laughing so hard

"I've been waiting forever for you two to say that."

Turns out she shipped you guys and so she left just so she could get you to say that to each other 

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