Seeing You After A Long Trip

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Requested by Sukunas4thfinger

I hope this is good enough, sorry i took so long to write it


You were visiting a friend from a different nation, you went alone cuz all these lovely boys trust you:) Anyways you were caught up by a bunch of fatui skirmishers on the way back so it took a while longer to get back than expected. 


He was worried about y'all

He just stayed on Dragonspine to distract himself so he didnt freak out lol

When you came back he hugged you ofc

"You worried me dear."


He wondered if his bad luck got to the both of you again and you died

When you came back he jumped in your arms and was smiling brightly

"I've never been so glad to see you y/n!"


He'd be more annoyed and grumpy than usual

He needs his y/n

When you came back he literally crushed you and cuddled the rest of the day or some shit

He missed you too much


He knew you could handle yourself if you got in trouble but he couldn't help but stress out

When you came back he was overjoyed and whispered something perhaps suggestive in your ear


Bby boy didnt know what to do

He waited and waited for you to come back

When you did he gave you the biggest, warmest, sweetest hug of your entire life


Was extremely bored without you

He probably hung off the god damn chandeliers waiting for you to get back

When you did y'all probably hung out cuddling and pranking people

He didn't go to the tavern for about a week cuz he just missed you a lot



Dude probably paced back and forth ranting to Xingqiu about how worried he was cuz you weren't back yet


When you got back you had to help him make more popsicles cuz he stress ate them all

In all honesty tho he missed you soo much


Yall didnt call his name again🤦‍♂️

He was going insane without you

When you got back he was relieved as fuck

He hugged you and if you had injuries he quickly tended to them(all of them did, idfk why i didnt write it tho)

Yall spent the entire night looking at the stars cuddling on the roof of the inn


Honestly manz was into this new book series he got, just so he wasnt bored without you, that he didnt notice you got back later than you should've

When you got back he cuddled with you tho


(I'm gonna brag that I got this man and finally won my first 50/50!!!)

Dude was worried

What if he lost another perskn important to him

Nahhhh he was overthinking it bro

When you came back he hugged you and got yall some tea or something


Bitch probably had a bet with spmeone for when you were gonna get back

He thought you were gonna come back early so he clearly lost that

When you got back late he asked you if you had the money he owed for the bet cuz that motherfucker is brokeeeee

Ofc you lent him the money and then yall just cuddled and shit the rest of the day


Dude travels a lot thanks to be on Beidous ship often so he knows being late is quite a common thing

He just patiently waited for you to arrive

When you did he read you some poetry he wrote while you were gone

Very romantic


Was overcleaning the Kamisato estate

I feel like thats his thing, he cleans a scary amount when he's stressed

Anyways when you got back you found him vigorously scrubbing the dishes he used for dinner

You got soaked but you hugged for a really long time

Yall probably made out too


He actually knew what was going on

He was about to murder the god damn fatui guys that fought you

Bitch was going straight up insane without you

When you got back you cuddled for a bit and then he went out

You can assume that he beat the guys up

Sorry for not updating the past week I've been sick, before that i had literally 0 motivation to write. Bro I'm not okay, I'm having a Quackity and fnaf brainrot rn rgwhsjfjeb
Also Ayato's hot af and im going to skip all banners until him lol

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