Down with the sickness

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Haruta was woken to the sounds of heavy panting, considering they were able to sleep through Namur snoring, this definitely surprised them. Maybe it was because it was on their side of the room. They weren't sure. Either way they sat up, looking over towards the sound's origin.

They couldn't make out much in the darkness of the apprentice cabin, however they knew exactly who it was coming from. Dragging themselves out of bed, they felt their way over to where Alex was sleeping, masterfully avoiding all the junk on the floor, (they had been saying they'd clean for months) until they were standing over the girl's face.

They pressed their hand to her forehead, immediately jolting away with a sharp hiss as the boiling hot skin came in contact with their own.

"Oh boy..." They muttered to themselves, it's not like Haruta was surprised that Al was ill, but rather that they hadn't expected it to be quite that bad. The head doctor Tam had said to them that she might develop some kind of fever or something, she wasn't exactly in the best condition. The rock thing definitely hadn't helped.

Straightening Haruta sighed, trapesing over to their snoring brother, he really did sound like a bear on steroids and they would not compromise on the matter. Also, it pissed off Namur, so of course they needed to annoy him, it was their job as his younger sibling.

"Nam's wake up!" They shouted down his pointed ear, throttling the Fishman with all their strength. "Whaaaa? Gerroff me!" Namur grumbled, flinging his pillow which smacked Haruta in the face.

"What do you want! I'm trying to sleep Haru go away!"

Haruta dodged the next pillow that was lobbed their way, Namur was notoriously grumpy when he first woke up. They couldn't say they really cared; they were used to it. It was their job to wake up their brother in the morning, considering he would sleep through Pops banging on their door and that was hella-loud too.

"Alex is sick. So wake up will you."

Namur was silent for a moment, they couldn't see what face he was making, but if they had to make a guess as to what he was thinking, they would probably go with slow comprehension.

"Oh... she did get sick after all"

"Yeah, my hand almost melted when I touched her"

"Is it that bad? Tam did say she might get a bit ill."

"Yes, I was woken up by her panting and I can sleep through your jacked up bear snoring"

"Tch! I'm not that bad!" Namur snapped, whacking Haruta on the arm causing a jolt of sharp pain, so they retaliated with a slap of their own.

"DO TOO!" They retorted, in response Namur hit Haruta on the side much harder this time, they punched him under the jaw.

"SHUT UP!" The Fishman elbowed them forcefully in the ribs, they kicked him in the stomach.

"YOU SHUT UP! TUNA FACE!" Haruta yelled as they proceeded to bite him, as he pulled their ginger hair "ORANGUTAN!"



A loud bang on the wall next door rang out, however it fell on deaf ears as the two siblings continued to fight. The squabble slowly getting louder and louder, until the beating on the wall was drowned out.

On the other side of the wall, Newgate was lying in bed, firm irritated grimace in place. All he could hear was Haruta and Namur arguing. Normally if he beat the hell out of the wall they'd shut up, however that was not always the case and clearly tonight was one of those.

The man pushed himself out of bed with a sharp angry huff, stomping out of his cabin and storming down the corridor by about 5 feet and opened the door to his loud kids' room.

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