Ch. 1

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Eve's POV
"Shut upppp...." I wined as I rolled out of bed to my cold wood floor. "Why does school have to start today of all days" I wine as I crawl towards my closet where my uniform hung.  Today would be my brother  and I's first day of high school at karasuno high school.

I walked down the stairs to find my brother Tobio drinking out of the milk carton. "Are you actually going to eat breakfast or are you content putting your backwash in the milk carton?" I ask sarcastically. "You woke up in a bitchy mood, huh?" Tobio questioned as I grabbed a granola bar and sat down next to him. "No, I'm just not in a school mood." I say glancing over at my brother who is still drinking the milk.

After a few minutes we agreed to leave and start walking to school. On the way there a ginger almost knocked me over as he rode his bike past. "Watch it, asshole!" I yell as he keeps going not really paying any attention to what I said. "I feel like I know him from somewhere?" Tobio says thinking aloud. "Huh?" I say looking at him. "Oh nothing, just thinking aloud." He says with a smile. "Oh okay..." I say.

The rest of the walk we didn't really talk. There was so many things each of us where thinking about. When we got to the school we just stared at the building in front of us man was it pretty. "Yo Tobio, what class are you in?" I ask glance at my very tall twin brother. "Class 1-2. How about you?" He asks looking down at me. Asshole, he was smirking too. He loves to rub it in that he is taller even though I was born 5 minutes before him. "I'm in class 1-4, but if you need me I should just be down the hall." I say looking at the building before us. "Isn't class 1-4 college prep?" Tobio asks looking all confused. "Uh yeah...why?" I say turning my attention to him. "Oh my god, you are such a nerd!" He says bursting into laughter. "Oh my god, if I'm in a college prep class then that must mean you're a dumbass!" I say mocking him. The look on his face was price less. He was so shook he just walked away to find his class.

As I walked into the school it was clearly marked that the first floor was where the first years need to be. I found my class rather quickly and sat down by the window seat. I like to look outside when I get bored. The class finally started to fill up and then the bell rang. "Hi I will be your sensei for the year!" The teacher walked in explained. "Now I want you to turn to your neighbors and get to know them. I turned to a girl with bright blonde hair and big brown eyes. "Hi my name is Hitoka Yachi!" She says with a big smile. "Hi my name is Eve Kageyama, but you can all me Eve. I have a twin and it just helps with confusion if you just call me Eve." I say smiling at the girl. "Cool since I'm using your first name go ahead and call me Hitoka!" She says sweetly. "Oh okay..." I say smiling as Hitoka and I both turn to the two boys behind us. "We already heard your introductions, so no need to do it again." A grumpy blonde boy states. "Tsuki, be nice." A boy with green hair scolded him. "Sorry about him, my name is Tadashi Yamaguchi!" The boy with green hair says. "And this is Tsukishima Kei." He follows up. "So you would be preferred to be called Eve, yes?" Yamaguchi questions. "Uh yeah Eve is perfect." I say. "Okay class, time to start!" The teacher says clapping his hands.

**Lunch time**
I got out my bento and turned my desk to face the boys, Hitoka did the same. "So how long have you guys been friends?" Hitoka asks.
"Since middle school!" Yamaguchi reply's. "Okay my turn to ask a question. What's his deal?" I ask point to Tsukishima who had his headphones and was glaring as if he had heard me. "Oh Tsukki can be salty sometimes is all." Yamaguchi says awkwardly laughing and scratching the back of his head. "Hey, hey you?" I say pulling on his headphones. "What do you want midget?" He says in a annoyed tone. "Okay then Beanpole, why are you so damn grouchy. Lighten up would ya." I say smiling just for him to roll his eyes. "God, you are annoying." He says putting his headphones back on. "Rude!" I say leaning back in my seat as I watch Hitoka and Yamaguchi talk. Is that a blush on her face. Man I'm probably just seeing things again.

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