Ch. 9

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No one's POV
Karasuno's boys volleyball team stood with their bags as they discuss who is going in what cars. Daichi has a mini van not to anyones surprise which has a total of eight seats and Kiyoko has a crossover that has a total of seven seats which is just enough for everyone. After a long debate it was decided the first years would with Kiyoko and everyone else with Daichi.

In Kiyoko car up front with her was Yachi. In the two middle seats it was Hinata and Kageyama and in the back was Yamaguchi on the left, Tsukishima in the middle so he could stretch his long legs down the aisle and then Eve on the right. The drive was roughly two hours.

Eve's POV
As we started to leave Karasuno's parking lot. Daichi lead and Kiyoko followed. It wasn't even five minutes into the drive that the boys plus Yachi started arguing about what music to listen to. "I think it should this one!" Yachi states playing a song on her phone with the aux. "Let me see that." Tobio says snatching the phone from her hand and playing some aggressive rap. "Wait I got it!" Hinata says snatching the phone from Tobio playing some mellow early 2000's music. (Let's pretend this takes place a little more closer to 2022). Yachi then proceeded to snatch her phone back and hit a different song. I feel the need to state it's six a.m.

I glance across my row to see Yamaguchi sleeping and Tsukishima in a daze. Then all the sudden I hear "Eve!" I turn to see the 3 other first years looking at me. "What?" I respond in annoyance. "Which one that we played?" Tobio asks. "I have no part in this." I say as I feel something elbow me. I glance over to Tsukishima who is holding out one of his earbuds for me. I put it in and it's the preferred music by me. As I slowly tune out the others I focus on the lyrics. I had a brought a blanket in the back with me so I could sleep, however I neglected to bring a pillow. I tried leaning against the window but it wasn't comfortable. Then suddenly Tsukishima picked up my head with his arm around me putting it on his shoulder. Finally I could curl up and sleep.

Kiyoko's POV
It was finally quiet. I had my air pods in the whole time so I didn't have to listen to them fight. Yachi was sleeping with her head up against the window, Kageyama and Hinata were sprawled out in their seats and going between the two was Tsukishima's legs, in the back Eve was sleeping on Tsukishima and Tsukishima had his head on hers, and I couldn't see Yamaguchi but I know he's back there somewhere.

The sun was finally up and as we were going up the mountains I could physically getting colder outside. All the first years were still sleeping with about an hour left of the trip.

Eve's POV
As I felt my head bounce, I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in Kiyoko's car. Tsukishima's head was on my mind and it seems at some point we had started to share my blanket. I got out my own ear buds and started listening to my own music. I looked out the would as we were still clearing going up the mountains. While I was looking out the window I felt Tsukishima's grip around my waist get tighter almost pulling me closer. I kind of pull into his grip as it was warm.

No one's POV
No one could tell that Tsukishima's arm was around Eve's waist. The blanket did a great job of hiding that. The car ride was starting to feel long for the teens as more started to wake up. Next was Yachi then Hinata and Tobio. Well after those two had woke up so had everyone else.

There was about 30 minute left of the ride there. The teens looked out the windows. The view was hypnotizing to all the teens.

Finally the cars came to a stop the first years and Kiyoko all got out and looked around.
"Finally made it!" Daichi said standing outside his van with his hands on his hips. He looked very much like a dad in this moment.

Eve walked to a clearing, she looked at the view from the top of the mountains. The crisp yet calming air flew through the her long black hair. Tsukishima stood behind her admiring her beauty.

"Okay guys let's go inside!" Daichi yells getting everyone's attention. All of the team walks into the resort looking around at beautiful building.

"Hello you must be the Karasuno boy's volleyball team!" A lady said walking up to them. "Yes that would be us!" Suga says smiling at the woman.
"I was told to be expecting your arrive. Your coaches were thrilled to be sending you here." The lady continued to smile. "You kids are lucky, you all are the only ones booked here for your whole trip! So enjoy the space!" The lady then walked away back to what she was doing.

"Okay so coach texted and said he has the whole place reserved for just us. Here are the rules he gave. 3rd years get first floor rooms, 2nd years get the second floor, and 1st years get the third. Any questios?" Daichi asks looking at us all. "Nope!" We all yell in unison and go up to our floors. "Hey Yachi, you wanna be roomies?" Eve says giving a goofy smile. "Sure thing!" Yachi responded as the girls picked their room. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi picked the room next to theirs. Hinata and Kageyama went down the hall more and picked a room they would share.

What the girls and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi didn't know was their rooms had connecting doors.

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