Ch. 8

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Eve's POV
***A Week Later***
Class was as boring as ever as sensei was trying to make sense of a lesson. I didn't really care what the lesson was. I was focusing on outside. It was colder now but at least it was calming. I had been working on and off with the boys volleyball team for some time now. I wasn't a manger well not at the start of the day anyway. I was on my to practice with Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Hitoka when Kiyoko practically ran us over. "Yo Kiyoko are you good?" I ask from a distance. "Yeah, but I've got a question for Yachi and Yourself?" Kiyoko explains. The boys exchange looks as I glance at Hitoka. We nod to signal Kiyoko to ask the question. "Since you two are around all the time, would you like to become official mangers on the team?" She spits out. Hitoka and I just stare at her for a second. After exchanging looks Hitoka finally speaks up. "Sure we'd love too!" She says in an excited tone. I turned to Tsukishima who gave me a nod and smiled. He does that a lot more these days.

Upon arriving at practice Tobio wasn't surprised I was there, but confused when Kiyoko handed Hitoka and I jackets. "I figured you two would say yes!" She whispers to us handing us out jackets that had been pre ordered. "Whatch doing sis?" Tobio asks from behind me. "Becoming a manger, why are you so nosy?" I ask turning to him earning chuckles from the team. "This is why you're adopted!" Tobio resorts. "Hey Tob's we're twins buddy! I think you might need to rethink that one!" I yell to him as he pouts. "You're a bitch!" He yells back. "Yeah, yeah, I know!" I respond while walking away with Hitoka and Kiyoko to start manger training.

Tsukishima's POV
I watched from a distance as Eve bickered with her brother. It truly amazed me how easy it was to roast Kageyama. I mean Eve does have the upper hand living with him but still. I was kinda exhausted today. I felt like nothing could keep me going. Practice was moving super slowly. I can't say I lost motivation when I didn't have an to start with, so I'm not sure what's wrong.

No one's POV
Practice came to an end. When Daichi stood in front of his team. "Okay guys I'm super excited to announce this considering we just got new mangers, for the two week holiday break I've gotten permission to take the team on a trip to a mountain resort. It will be very cold so pack accordingly." The team was super excited.

As the group of first years walked home that they talked about what they had learned. "I'm so excited to be up so high!" Hinata exclaims loudly for it being night time. "Would you shut up before someone calls the police!" Tsukishima says in a deadpan manner. However it wasn't quite himself at all. Eve picked up on this as everyone began to walk ahead of them. "Hey are you okay, you seem down?" Eve says looking at Tsukishima. "Yeah, I'm just tired." Tsukishima says quietly. "I know you're lying!" Eve says looking at the stars. "How?" Is all Tsukishima says. "When you lie you move your eyes to the left slightly." Eve mumbles back as she walks up her driveway and into her house with Tobio and Hinata who believes he lives at the Kageyama house. Tsukishima stood at the end of the driveway baffled.

***last week before break***
Eve's POV
I slept on my desk peacefully waiting for the bell to ring signaling lunch. I was asleep but very aware of what was happening. After time passing I was sleeping hard. While in a somewhat slumber I thought about Tsukishima's weird behavior the passed week. He seemed off. We're leaving Friday so I hope everything is okay.

"Eve...Eve..." a voice says. "Mmm..." I mumble turning to face the other way. "Aren't you hungry? It's lunch." The voice says again. I spring up. "What?" I say looking around. It was Yamaguchi. "Of course I'm hungry. Wait where is Tsukishima?" I say looking around. "During your nap he wasn't feeling well and went to the nurse. They sent him home." Hitoka explains. 'Oh' "well I'll call him later then." I say getting out my lunch .

***Later during practice***
I couldn't quit thinking about how Tsukishima went home. It made me sad. Miss bugging that tall ass beanpole. I feel like out of all of us he never gets sick. It's just weird. "Eve look out!" **Smack** "ow!" I moan from the floor. I look a see a hall rolling around. "Who in the hell is responsible for this?" I say with an angry look. I could see the boys sweat drop as they all point to Hinata. I walk slowly up to him. "Hinata?" I as sweetly. "Yes..." Hinata response shaking. "What did you do to hit that so horribly wrong that it hit me all the way over there." I ask will a stable yet aggressive tone. "I um..." he stutters. "Hey sis just breathe for a sec, you're scaring him." Tobio states as I shoot a look at him. "Okay I'm just going to.." Tobio pick me up and carry's me back to where I was. "Cool down over here." He says walking away.

***end of practice***
No one's POV
The first years we're walking home. Yamaguchi and Yachi had spilt off so at this point it was Eve, Kageyama , and Hinata. The boys were talking about whatever. Eve was just in her thoughts as she couldn't speaking knowing she would start to feel guilty about her little outburst. As they all reached the Kageyama house Eve decided she didn't want to be at home. "Hey guys I think I'm just going to walk for a bit." She says not even waiting on a response. All she could think about was what made her snap like that. She couldn't figure out what had put her in that mindset. She is typically okay and doesn't get upset like that. When she does get angry her and Tobio look very similar. Most people don't usually see that.

Eve then started thinking about her passed and her old "friends".
"Come on Eve, move faster, man you're fat!" One of the girls yelled. The truth was Eve has never been fat. 'I'm only 100 pounds...' Eve thought looking at herself. "You'll never be an athlete like your brother!" Another girl yelled. "We are only telling you this because we are your friends Eve!" One says holding Eve's face. "Yeah...". Eve mumbles to the group.
Eve never has or had an eating disorder to fix herself though it did cause her so much anxiety now when she has a panic attacks she can't eat for a little while. Eve didn't have many friends then but nor does she now.

Before Eve knew it she was standing in front of the Tsukishima residence. Eve very gently walked up to the door and knocked softly. Mrs. Tsukishima answered the door. "Oh hello Eve sweetie, is everything okay?" She asks sweetly. "Um yeah, I know Tsukishima came home not feeling well is it okay if I go talk with him for a bit?" Eve asks staring at the ground. The truth is Mrs. Tsukishima knew something was wrong. He son wasn't feeling great today he had also learned he just wanted a rest day from school. "Sure sweetie just go on up." Mrs. Tsukishima responses stepping out of the doorway.

Eve walks in taking off her shoes and placing them with the other and then proceeded to walk up the stairs. She walks through the familiar hallway and to the cracked door of the room that gives her comfort. She knocked gently and then proceeds to open the door. Tsukishima sitting at his desk see the girl who slowly started to break into tears as he looked at her. He waved her over to him and he grabbed her waist pulling her down to him in his chair. She fell into his lap as he pulled her into a hug. Tsukishima didn't need to know what was wrong at this moment just that she needed him. Eve just snuggled into his shoulder. She was tired, angry, and sad as these memories flooded back.

Eventually the tear subsided and Eve explained everything from her passed to her outburst with Hinata. Tsukishima was in a ton of shock that she had went though. He had no idea. She was simply  exhausted. Eve also explained the part of her life were everyone wanted to date her brother and faked being her friends. Tobio never dated any of the girls but it was still painful for her. Tsukishima could only hug her and say that now she had real friends and she would be protected. They also sat in some silence which they were okay with too. "I can't make the pain you're feeling go away, but just think in four days the team is leaving for a fun vacation. Maybe it will help you relax some." Tsukishima says moving hair out of Eve's face. "Hey, are you feeling okay? I kinda forgot to ask?" Eve says sitting up to look at him. "Much better than I was earlier, Munchkin." Tsukishima responds smiling at the girl.

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