Ch. 2

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Eve's POV
The first week of school was almost over. Today way Friday. As I was brushing my hair Tobio came in my room and sat on my bed. "I have two things to say." Tobio states. "Okay and they are?" I say looking at him from my mirror. "One I can't walk to school with you today because I have to leave as soon as this conversation is over." Tobio says hugging one of my pillows. "Okay and what was the other thing?" I ask waiting patiently. "Can you help Hinata and I practice after school? Please?" He asks. "Tobio, not to sound rude, but why would you ask me? I don't even play." I say turning to look at my brother. "Though that is true, you are amazing at receiving. Please Eve??" He asks again. "I guess I can after school. It's not like I have anything else to do anyway." I say with a sigh. "Thanks Eve, bye!" Tobio says running out of my room and the house. Man my brother is one weird person.

As I started walking out of my house I ran into Tsukishima. "Morning, Tsukishima!" I say just walking next to him. "I thought you said you have a twin brother, where is he?" Tsukishima asks straight up. "He left early to practice for something at school today." I say with just as much attitude he gave. "Damn, your salty too, huh?" He says looking down at me. "Yeah sometimes." I say just looking ahead.

We went class and started the day. During lunch I got a video of Yamaguchi falling off his chair and put it on my snap chat just for the hell of it. It was all laugh, but I swear I saw even Tsukishima laugh a little bit. Even though it had been just a week we had a small friend group going.

After school I went with Tobio and Hinata to practice with them. More like watching and helping Hinata with reviving. The ball got stuck in a tree at one point so I agreed to climb the tree and get it out. My brother wasn't pleased because I was in a skirt, but he also knew no one else would climb up to get the ball.
While I was knocking the ball out of the tree I heard a familiar voice so I stayed put. "So you must be the king of the court." A snarky voice started in. That sounds like Tsukishima and sure enough it was I just stayed put for a second. He just keep going so I dropped right in front of him out of the tree. "Oh my god Eve, one day you are going to get yourself killed." My brother states smacking his forehead. "Look you Beanpole, I don't know how you know my brother, but don't be giving him shit." I start in and he just smirks. "Oh your the king's sister. I guess that should have a rung a bell with me when you said to call you Eve because you have a twin brother who goes by Kageyama." Tsukishima says rubbing his chin. "Well later midget." Tsukishima says walking away.

As we were walking home Tobio and I talked about what happened. "Eve, how do you even know him?" Tobio asks with what seems like concern. "He is in my class, he is even one of my friends." I state my brother. "Why would you be friends with a jerk like him?" Tobio asks genuinely confused. "Well I'm more friends will Yamaguchi, but he talks sometimes." I say looking at the night sky. "Wait is Tsukishima and Yamaguchi who you are going against tomorrow?" I ask my brother snapping him out of his thoughts. "Yeah, why?" He asks actually looking and turning to look at me. "Can I come watch?" I ask with a pretty please face. "Fine, but why would you want to? You hate getting up before noon on weekends." Tobio states which is true. "Well, I'm just curious how good they are." I state turning to walk up our driveway. "I guess I could text the captain and ask." Tobio says following behind me. "Ya thanks!" I say waking through the door.

"Mom, we're home!" We yell in unison. Our mom comes around the corner to "greet her babies." As she would say. Which consists oh her giving us both a hug. "I was thinking pizza for dinner? Sound good?" Mom asks with a smile. Tobio and I exchange looks and then nod. Tobio follows that up by saying "Yeah, that sounds great mom." After that our mom marched off to go order the pizza.

Tobio and I went up stair and then went to our own respective rooms to change clothes while we waited for the pizza to come. After we heard the door bell it was race to the kitchen. I won because Tobio tripped over the shoes he left on the floor. Karmas a bitch. Once we were all at the table and had gotten our drinks it was time to enjoy a family meal together. Well of the members of our family that was there minus our older sister and dad. "So I've got some good news!" Mom says with a big grin on her face. "You got more milk when you went the store?" Tobio blurts out of no where. "What no, I mean yes, but that's not the good news." Our mom stutters. "What the good news mom?" I say in a sweeter tone then how Tobio was about the milk. "Dad will be back soon from his business trip!" Mom announces. "Cool, when was the last time he was home?" Tobio asks almost sarcastically. "A year ago, I think!" I say following up what he said in a almost sarcastic response. "Cut it out you two. Aren't you happy your dad is coming home?" Our mom scolds. "Of course we are happy dad is coming home!" I say truly meaning it. "But we wish he wasn't gone a year at a time and would spend time with his family." Tobio follows up. "Eve, Tobio, I understand how you might feel, but you both know that he wishes he could be here more." Our mom states. "And what about Miwa? Is she coming home while dads home?" I ask. "Honey I don't know yet. Your sister is a super busy person." Our mom continues.

The rest of dinner was okay. Our mom kept trying to change the topic after that. I feel the need to explain about our dad. Miwa, Tobio, and I have nothing against our dad just that he is rarely around. Our sister lives on her own now, but still stops in on occasion. However we will be happy when he comes home.

After all that Tobio and I went up stairs once more to our own rooms and went to bed knowing we had to get up early tomorrow.

**Next morning**

"Eve...Eve...Eve..." I hear. What's that noise. "Eve get your ass up or your not going!" Tobio yells. Oh now I know what going on. "What time is it?" I ask my brother who is being rather annoying at the moment. "It's 10, we have to be there at 12. So get your ass up!" Tobio says once again. "Okay, okay I'm going you grouch." I say brushing him off as I roll out of bed like I do most mornings. I get up and change into normal clothes because I don't have school I'm not dressing up. Tobio had left and was doing something downstairs and I was getting ready. I'm put on a t-shirt from something I went to and some leggings. I then put in tennis shoes. I packed a small bag with like a phone charger, money, and stuff like that.

By the time I got down stairs Tobio was practically pacing. "Tobio, you and Hinata are going to do great. Stop stressing so much. Your sweet a person, but when you start stressing you become mean and grumpy and then you get names like the king of the court. "Yeah you're right." Is all Tobio said as we walked out the door. He stood there bouncing as I locked the door. The walk went fast for me, but I'm sure it felt really slow for him. When we got to the school I waited for him to take a breath and then we walked in. "Yeah Kageyama is here, look Eve is too!" Hinata exclaimed. Tobio walked away to do what he needed to and three guys walked up to me. "Hi, I'm Daichi! I'm the team captain." He says with a smile. "Oh, I'm so sorry if my brother has caused any problems!" I say bowing repeatedly. "No, no it's okay. No worries." Daichi says giving me a pat on the back. Next was the guy with sliver hair. "Hi I'm Sugawara, but most people call me Suga. I'm the vice captain." Suga says with a smile. "Nice to meet you!" I say with a smile. "I don't mean this offensively in anyway, but you are so much nicer than you brother." A guy with a buzz cut says. "Oh none taken. My brother has a hard time interacting with people who aren't family." I say with a smile. "Damn, you're beautiful, but I'm loyal to Kiyoko over there." The bald guy says pointing to the manger. "The names Tanaka by the way." He says with a smirk anyway. "Nice to meet you!" Say wondering off to find my brother.

As I was just wondering around the gym I heard a voice. "Shortie whatcha doing here?" I turn to see that it was Tsukishima who asked. "Tobio said I could come watch the match!" I say kinda giddy. "So the kings sister came watch him be a dictator?" Tsukishima started in. "No, actually I'm here to watch you and Yamaguchi play. I already know my brothers playing style." I say with a smug look turning to walk away. "Shortie, wait?" Tsukishima says. "What?" I ask turning back to him. "You really came to watch Yamaguchi and I too?" He aske almost as if I had never even met him until today. "Um yeah...We're friends aren't we?" I ask looking at him with a smile.

Tsukishima's POV
"Um yeah...We're friends aren't we?" Eve asks with a small smile. "Ye-" I was cut off by Daichi rounding up everyone for the match to start. I wasn't even nervous about the match until I found she was here. I wonder why that would make me nervous. She is just a person.

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