Ch. 4

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Eve's POV
"Kids dinners ready!" My mom yelled up the stairs. "Okay!" Tobio and I yelled in unison from different rooms. Twin things. After the dream I had earlier I'm not ready for this dinner. I thought my mom was cooking dinner. Wrong she ordered pizza. Can't say I'm surprised though. My mom is a good cook, but hates doing it. I guess I am too though.

"So boys would you like to spend the night extent your bonding?" My mom asks looking at the first year boys. "Um thanks, b-...We'd love too!" Tsukishima had started, but was quickly cut off by Yamaguchi. I kid you not my eyes must have been huge because my mom was asking me if I was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the food. I'm going to head upstairs." I say putting my plate in the sink. "Um, okay..." My mom said in a confused way.

Tobio's POV
That was weird. "Kageyama is she always like that?" Hinata asks just as confused. "No, not at all. Who knows though she can be weird at times." I say not knowing how to respond. Maybe it's that time of month or something. She is something else at time. I want to make sure she is okay though. I give my mom the a look and she tells me to go.

I walk up the the stair while my mom talks to the other down stairs. I knocked on Eve's door. "Eve?" I ask from the outside. "What?" She mumbles back. "Can I come in?" I ask. "Yeah sure..." she reply's. I open the door to she my sister curled up in her bed on her phone, can't say I'm surprised there. "Hey what's with you? You got weird?" I ask in a concerned matter. "Don't worry about it, go hang out with your friends!" She says giving me a smile. "Okay, if you say so..." I say walking out. Man, she's weird.

I go back down stairs. "She is just tired! No need to worry..." I say scratching the back of my head.

Eve's POV
I didn't want to spend the night with Tobio's friends alone without back up. Miwa would definitely not be the person to ask at the moment. Then it hit me, so naturally I stumbled to down the stairs to talk to my mom. "Hey mom since Tobio has his friends over, can I have one of mine." I ask sweetly as my whole mood had changed. "I don't see why not!" My mom says sending me me away to text Hitoka.

Me: Oh bestie do I have an offer for you!

Bestie: Okay you know I love you Eve, but last time you said you had an offer for me...well you know what happened.

Me: Hey now this time it's a good one. Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come spend the night tonight. Tobio's friends are getting on nerves and I think you could really help! Please!

Bestie: I guess I can, it's not like there is anyone at my house. So your house should be fun.

Me: Cool see you in a bit! You're the best!

Bestie: I know I am XD

Tobio's POV
I heard the doorbell ring. "Is anyone else coming over?" Yamaguchi asks looking from his phone. "Not that I invited..." I started to say as we all heard Eve yell "Thank god, my savor is here!" "Well she's dramatic." Tsukishima deadpans as we all get up to see who's here.

We all stand on the stairs so we can watch Eve open the door. "Yay your here!" Eve chants opening the door so we can see, well I'm not sure who she is, but Tsukishima and Yamaguchi seemed too. "Yachi?" Tsukishima and Yamaguchi yelled in unison. "Oh I see what you mean now." Yachi says looking at the boys. "I guess when you said your brother's friends it didn't register it was all the first years on his team. "Yeah! Well you see now!" Eve responds.

Eve's POV
I took Hitoka to my room and sat her things down. Then we went downstairs to watch a movie. They boys were still in Tobio's room. "Which movie are you thinking?" Hitoka asks as we scroll through movies. "I don't know, probably not horror movies though." I say looking at Hitoka who is nodding in agreement. "And why not a horror movie?" Hitoka and I turn around to see Tobio and the other first years. "Tobio you already know that I hate them. Why even ask?" I say giving my brother a look of annoyance. "You know we are staying too, right? That means we get a say as well!" Tsukishima chimes in.  The boys thought we should vote so we did. Hitoka and I lost. "That's fine Hitoka and I will go to my room." I say getting up to leave. "Hold on now, you two voted which means you are staying." Tobio states with an evil smirk. "I hate you!" I say giving my brother a death stare.

The boys took the couch so Hitoka and I sat on the floor in front of the couch. Tobio picked the movie and started it. Honestly I was tired so started to fall asleep though the beginning, but that was quickly interrupted when Hitoka screamed in my ear making me jump. "What the hell!" I say looking around and at the screen to see the gore. Just covered my eyes. I can sit through a horror movie I just don't like then. I turned to look at the boys. Tobio was looking at Hinata. Hinata was hiding his face. Yamaguchi was looking at the the screen disgusted . Tsukishima wasn't really anything just kinda watching. Then I heard Hitoka scream again. I didn't choose to look this time I just covered my face with my blanket. I was so warm and cozy.

Tsukishima's POV
I was watching the movie and looked down at Eve though I just saw a blanket. I knew that Eve was under it. However it wasn't really moving. I bet she is sleeping. At first Eve would wake up every time Yachi jump or screamed. Now she wasn't reacting at all. The only reason I knew she was still breathing is because the blanket was rising and falling. I was simply looking at the group to see what was going on. Kageyama was looking at shaking Hinata. Hinata was watching the movie. Tadashi was watching Yachi. Yachi had gotten quieter while watching the movie took me until now to realize that Tadashi had his hand on her shoulder. So he does some confidence somewhere. As I said before Eve was passed out under a blanket.

The funniest thing about this was Tadashi hates scary moves too, so the fact he is so calm amazes me.

After sometime Eve woke up. The movie was about half way through. She was sitting in front of me on the floor. She looked really uncomfortable able too. I was looking at the couch and there was room next to me, but I didn't feel like getting attacked by the King. When I looked at the he was sleeping though. Him and Hinata both were sleeping. "Hey Eve do you want to sit up here there is a small spot." I ask tapping her shoulder which made her jump slightly. She looked scared and just nodded. She got up and curled in the small spot. Due to small spacing I left my arm resting behind her.

Eve's POV
I got in the small spot and brought my blanket with me. Now that I was actually watching the movie it was really scary. So I would cover or hide my face to the side or under the blanket, but I felt a hand on my arm. I looked up to see Tsukishima. He moved me back so I could lean against his arm which kinda pulled me into his chest, but not really.

Yamaguchi moved on the floor with Hitoka after awhile and Tsukishima moved over some so I had more room. He never moved his arm though. It made me feel safe though so it didn't really matter.

No one's POV
The group of kids now all asleep. Yamaguchi on the floor with Yachi as she leans her head on his shoulder. Yamaguchi's head on Yachi's. On the couch Tobio and Hinata kind of snuggled together. The point and time you start to realize neither of them are straight. Lastly Eve and Tsukishima. Eve is snuggled into Tsukishima's chest and Tsukishima's arm is around her. This happened in there sleep.

Now remember none of them are dating, but one day they could.

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