A Pain In The Ass

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I'm a ordinary, bland person. There's nothing special or unique about me, i'm just average. Although I know how pathetic I already am, I don't need this asshole to rub it in my face every chance he gets!

I look at Nagito deadpanned, he was on his shit once again calling me names like 'reserve' or 'untalent' I continue to scowl as I finally just click my tongue and walk away from him.

"Hey! Why're you walking away when i'm speaking to you!? That's considered rude you know."

"Piss off Komaeda!" I say without giving him a single glance.

I can hear him having a close enough tantrum but don't pay much attention to it since I could care less about how he feels about anything. I pull out my phone once I heard a text message notification and noticed that Chiaki texted me. I immediately stop in my tracks completely forgetting that Nagito wasn't far from me at that moment.

Chiaki - 'Hey hey I was wondering if you would like to go to the arcade tomorrow after school?'

My once frown turned upwards immediately at the message. Chiaki is one of my closet friends that's a ultimate student. She was playing a game and I so happened to know it and one thing turned into another. I do get jealous of her at times, can you blame me? I mean she's a ultimate, you can't be mad at me for wanting to be someone just as amazing.

I noticed that I been zoning out for a little to long and finally responded back to her text message.

Hajime - 'Yeah sure Chiaki, i'll meet you at our spot after class ends?'

Chiaki - 'Yeah i'll see you then, talk to you later.'

I sigh happily as I turn my phone off and put it back inside the back pocket of my jeans. Completely forgetting the crap I was getting from Nagito not even a couple of minutes ago. Well that was until I felt someone throw a crumbled balled up piece of paper at me. Yeah.. you guessed correctly, it was definitely Nagito who did that.

I turn around glaring at the other. "Komaeda.. didn't I tell you to piss off?"

And what does he do after I tell him that. He smirks.. yup fucking smirks. That bastard. "Oh please, like I would listen to the likes of you and plus you had a stupid look on your face and I didn't like it."

I huff as I turn around again, trying hard to not let him get to me. It was rather difficult, I had a problem with not getting the last word in but I had to be more mature than this bastard or I'll just be proven to be weak.

"Ignoring me again? Ha whatever.. I'm leaving reserve, see you tomorrow.~" he says in a mischievous way. I roll my eyes and finally start heading home.

The Next Day~

It was the next day and school just ended, so i'm now on my way to meet up with Chiaki at our spot. Incase you're wondering, our spot is just a simple bench in front of a water fountain. I know, cliche right? but it works and it's also quiet there; I love silence. As I can see Chiaki in the distance as I continue my walk to the spot, I call out to her and she immediately looks up at me with a smile. Of course she was already there, the main course building was more closer and that fact alone left a bitter feeling on my tongue.

"Hi Hajime! Are you ready to go?" Chiaki asks as she stands up the minute i'm close enough while dusting off her clothes. I nod as a reply and we both head to the direction of where the arcade is placed.

The arcade is a very loud and colorful place. At first I disliked it because of all the noise and people but after a while I gotten use to it and now I just enjoy being here. Chiaki grabs my hand and we both head over to Chiaki's favorite game; Gala Omega. Every time I tried to play against her, I would always lose. Well can't be surprised.. she is the Ultimate Gamer after all. "Let's make a bet Hajime!" I look at Chiaki in a confusing manner.

"A bet? What type of bet?"

She starts walking the direction of the game; Pac-man. She looks back at me with a sly smile. "If you can't beat me playing this game.." she points at the game pac-man. "...then you have to put effort into trying to be friends with Komaeda-kun." my eyebrows furrow. She has to be joking, what type of bet is that? It's not even fair whatsoever.

"And what do I get out of this if I win?" I ask with one eyebrow lifted and a frown. She simply shrugs and puts the coins inside the machine. I swear Chiaki can be difficult sometimes. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you but Chiaki knows all about the conflict between me and Nagito. We're both her closest friends so she hates how we're always fighting or arguing, it's a pain but I hate seeing her upset so I'll agree to her dumb "bet".

"Alright whatever let's do this then." she smiles and then the game begins.


I lost.

Yup.. definitely expected that. I can see Chiaki jumping for joy in the corner of my eye as I stand frozen, slumped over feeling depressed. I have to now try putting in effort in getting along with the one guy I despise the most. What a pain in the ass!

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