Sleep Over With Him? Absolutely Not!

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Today was the day. Yup, that's right. Today, on a sunny Thursday afternoon, is when I have to put aside my pride and try becoming friends with a waste of space. Nagito Fucking Komaeda.

As I was heading home my usual route, I can see Nagito ahead of me; sitting on a bench on his phone. I've noticed that he didn't come treat me like crap yesterday and I just thought it was probably snowing in hell or something. But today he hasn't once said anything to me at all. I stand still, stuck inside my thoughts. I wanted to run like hell so bad but I didn't want to disappoint Chiaki. I take a breath in and out and start walking over to Nagito with a determined look on my face.

"Hey." i said with confidence. I was going to make Chiaki proud rather Nagito liked it or not.

Nagito looks up with a confused look on his face. "What is it that you need Reserve?" he asks plain as day. Like it was the most normal thing to say to someone.

"I was wondering um..." I look down at my shoes. Damnit! Why am I feeling so nervous now? " you perhaps want to try being.. I don't know.. friends?" I look up to see Nagito eyes widen with pure surprise.

"You..." he stops talking and sits up more straight. " want to try being friends with someone who treats you like the trash you are?" I ball up my fist. Did he really have to add that trash part? Even though I wanted to punch him in the face until it didn't look rememberable anymore. I took another breath to calm myself down before I made a huge mistake.

"Yes.." obvious lie. "..I do." Nagito fold his arms over his chest, puts his right leg over the other and closes his eyes. I wonder what he's thinking right now? Probably something stupid as usual.

"Yeah alright." What?

"Wait what?"

"I'm saying we can try being friends reserve.." I look at Nagito surprised. I was expecting a, 'Absolutely not, I rather get eaten by hyenas than be friends with a Reserve Course student.' but maybe this friendship thing can work? Even though he did just call me Reserve again.

"Oh okay... wanna walk home together?" I ask still feeling bewildered about Nagito's answer. Me and Nagito live in basically the same area. I know, how ironic but it's the truth. That also explains why I would get terrorized everyday after school. He simply nods as a answer while he stands up , grabs his bag off the ground and starts walking side by side with me in complete silence.

The Next Day~

"Komaeda can you please hurry up? You're walking to damn slow!" I yell out to the sloth walking behind me. Me and Nagito are on our way to the arcade to meet up with Chiaki since she didn't show up for school due to family issues. She asked both Nagito and I to come meet her at the arcade so we just decided to go together. And as you can see, he was taking his damn sweet time!

"Shut up reserve, you told me to eat and that's what i'm freaking doing! Lay off, would you?" I roll my eyes and put the piece of bread, i was eating just a minute ago, back in my mouth finally finishing it.

Yeah.. he's right about that. Me and Nagito was by the school gates when he suddenly told me how he didn't eat lunch today and then I practically forced him to eat. I know, that's not like me at all. Well as much as I hate him, I wouldn't want him to die from starvation.

"Just shut up and compromise, it's not that hard to walk and eat!" I was getting damn near impatient already and it was only the first day of "being friends". I can hear Nagito huffing and footsteps speeding up.

We finally make it to the arcade after the very annoying journey and meet up with Chiaki. Nagito and I look around to see if we can notice Chiaki anywhere and then finally found her. She had a smile on her face, waving at the both of us.

"I still can't comprehend how a reserve course student became friends with a ultimate." Nagito says sarcastically as we start heading over to Chiaki. I roll my eyes, not even bothering with responding. He's just going to suck the energy out of me anyways so there's no point whatsoever arguing back.

We finally make it to Chiaki and she jumps up immediately and pulls both me and Nagito into a big embrace. "I missed you guys." we can hear Chiaki say but could barely hear her since her voice was muffled by both of our chest. Nagito and I are quite tall as you can see so that's no surprise.

"Haha hey Nanami, we missed you too but could you possibly let us go now?" Nagito says. He probably didn't like being close to 'reserve trash' or it was just a girl being so physically close to him. Who knows to be honest and honestly who even cares?

"Oh i'm sorry Nagito, I'm just so happy to see you both today." Chiaki says as she finally lets us free. "But we literally see each other every day.." I mutter under my breath and then feel a punch on my left shoulder coming from Nagito. I turn towards him with a glare. The hell was that for?

"Anyways I have a question for the both of you.." I roll my eyes at Nagito and place my attention back on Chiaki confusingly. A question for the both of us?

"I was wondering if the both of you would like to come over for a sleepover at my place?" Chiaki asks with a practically sparkles in her eyes and hands together in a begging way.

What? A sleepover? With me and Nagito both there? Neve-

"A sleep over with him? Absolutely not!" Nagito says rather loudly cutting me from my own thoughts.

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